Filling in eyebrows...


Well-known member
I have sparse brows with some gaps so I definitely need to fill them in. I dream of having nice thick brows that just need a bit of gel or wax lol... At the moment I'm using Stud Brow Pencil + Embark e/s with MAC Brow finisher. I agree with everyone who said it pulls the look together as well


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I wouldn't say it's an absolute necessity if you've got a pretty good brow shape with dark, dense hairs to begin with. I've got pretty light eyebrow hair, even for someone with black hair, and it's sparse in some areas. It pulls the look together if your eyebrows are well-defined - it's true that it "frames" your eyes and gives balance to an entire look.

If you're naturally gifted with beautiful brows, by all means just swipe some brow gel and call it a day (and I'll be jealous!). But most of us could benefit from a little brow-filling here and there. It's especially apparent in photographs, as the flash washes you out a bit and washes eyebrows out a bit too.


Active member
For me it is necessary and when I start freelancing I am positive I will be filling my clients brows too...LOL...Mine naturally grow with gaps throughout and I use the brow powder to correct that problem...


Well-known member
i think it's just a matter of what you like and what you've been taught. plus if you have MA's (mainly from MAC) who do tutorials, i think 99% of the time you will see that. i've been wearing MAC for 10 years now and have been to counters in kansas city, los angeles, ft. laud, and miami and i have never met one that doesn't fill them in........ and majority of the time i don't because mine are pretty thick BUT some days i do. it sort of "completes" the look sometimes. kind of like some days i might put on shadow and it looks unfinished to me or like something is missing so i'll throw some carbon or sketch on my V and then it looks more finished...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gabi03
i guess lovey and i are the odd ones out. i don't fill mine in, I don't feel its a necessity, natural brows can look flawless with a tiny bit of wax and some light grooming. In the long run, fuller natural brows will always be in style and so i refuse to really pluck them. I do light maintenance to get strays but i just don't like to whole harsh brow look, sorry but it kinda seems tacky lookin (when pulled off wrong)

I don't think it makes you odd...Brows just like makeup is a matter of preference...If you don't feel your brows need filling in thats great if it works for you...I sometimes just use wax as well...But that is really a form of filling too .... putting nothing in them is no filling at all....I also wouldn't call a Bold brow Harsh...I think it takes a certain person to pull those off...but when they can it looks Bad ass not tacky by any means....I like brows that have a great shape whether they are natural or filled....But if your shape is not great and you don't fill them in..I think it looks unfinished, not persay Tacky. I don't knock anything til I try it...and I get a lot more compliments on my makeup and brows when they are filled versus just left to be.

Wanna know how your m/u really a fotd with brows filled and without and see what compliments you get ...because we sometimes don't see what others see when it comes to our own face.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
...I sometimes just use wax as well...

what kind of wax???? i use pantene hair wax in my hair sometimes..... would that work??


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Originally Posted by aziajs
It helps pull your look together. It also helps create a more finished face. I find that it really accents not only your makeup but your face and its features. It makes a big difference:


I really like your brows both ways. I generally find my brows more like yours naturally AFTER I have penciled to fill them in. So I'm jealous already. But your after look is something I like as well because I think the lines look so clean and the hairs know to lay and stay. I've tried and failed miserably the try this, but I need a lot of pratice.

So anyway, I think eyebrows are a very personal thing. Everyone wears their eyebrows the way THEY want their brows to look. You can't knock a person for wanting to fill their brows or visa versa. So I don't think that it's really something that anyone can question about someone or wonder why everyone does this (which obviously not everyone does because some people on this site have been blessed with the most gorgeous natural brows). To each its own, ya know?

Makeup Emporium

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Originally Posted by MissResha
i only have to fill my "tail" in a bit because my eyebrows are thick and black as heck. argh.

My eyebrows are thick and dark as well. I have never had a need to fill them in and even when I go to have my makeup done they never bother! The only hassle with this is that I have to wax/pluck more often as strays are noticeable!!


Well-known member
I think u look better and more natural in the first pic- However you could still do your eyebrows like fill them in-I generally jus do the end of my eyebrows .

if u tone down a bit, it would look more natural

Originally Posted by Lovey99
I think you are gorgeous with the natural brows...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
i only have to fill my "tail" in a bit because my eyebrows are thick and black as heck. argh.

almost the same here, mine are thick and black. sometimes when i "fill them in" I end up looking like i'm angry, even with the lightest hand. for me i have smaller eyes so a filled in brow weighs my eyes down alot.

I didn't mean to offend anyone by saying it looks tacky, i've just seen some really bad applications. I end up looking at the eyebrows the whole time instead of their makeup...
. For me its just a comfort level, i think i look good without them filled with them filled i feel like a girl who never wears makeup wearing makeup (if that makes sense)


Well-known member
My brows are beyond sparse, an older girl "arched" them for me in the 8th grade and they never regained full life. I must fill them in.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by moonlit
I think u look better and more natural in the first pic- However you could still do your eyebrows like fill them in-I generally jus do the end of my eyebrows .

if u tone down a bit, it would look more natural

Here's the thing, brows are such a personal thing. I really prefer them filled in and cleaned up so that all my lines are completely clean. But beyond filling them in I like to create a shape. I am always drawn to girls who have brows like that. Ruby_Woo, for example, fills in and shapes her brows perfectly in my opinion. They are very clean, very polished. I know that some people prefer a more natural, less finished look. Perhaps it's best for some people to just use a brow gel or wax and call it a day. Some people fill their brows in but don't create that very clean shape. Everyone does it so differently.


Well-known member
I must say for the people that can fill and draw those defined brows I am totally impressed...It is truly an art and it takes skills to draw them that perfect! I lack skillz....LOL

I would love to have fancyfacebeater's brows....LOVE


Well-known member
It depends on the look one is sporting. If I do bold eyemakeup and don't contour my brows it doesn't add depth to the overall look of the bold eyeshadow. If I'm running about with just mascara and balm, I simply brush and set with wax and maybe add a slight contour. I have to shape my eyebrows because, for me they frame my face and can be unruly.
I don't know about me posting a photo and getting accurate responses as we all agree ones makeup is based on individual preferences so, some will think they look great, others will give me c.c. but then they'll be slagged on for giving constructive criticism.


Well-known member
No one is slagged on giving CC if the poster asks for it...nor for giving CC in general for that matter...they are slagged on nasty insults


Well-known member
I had never even thought of filling in my brows before joining Specktra.

Now, it's a part of my daily makeup routine

I find it to be an easy way to make a big improvement in my overall "look" - having filled in brows pulls everything together and makes my eyes pop and my face look "finished."

I have reasonably shaped brows as-is, so I just pencil within the line I already have naturally, in order to fill out sparse areas and darken the color just a bit. My natural hair color is light brown, but I dye my hair a dark auburn/red. So a bit of eyebrow pencil helps my brows match my hair.

Whoops. Just realized that I'm a white girl posting in the Beauty of Color area. Hope that's okay! I tend not to even notice what forum I'm in

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