Finish this sentence. I wish MAC would...


Well-known member
Some brilliant ideas being thrown out there, Ladies.

There's alot I agree with, so I'll list one's I remember....

-have a bonus time....I'd so be there.
-clear lid on the 15 pan palette....absolutely genius!
-the perfect shade of red e/s....yes!

I have to be biggest one right now is "I wish MAC would come out with that perfect color story" I'm getting really bored lately and I feel like the LE colors are too close to permanent ones. :
: I'm waiting for that color story that's just gonna sweep me off my feet....


Well-known member

1/2 size pigment jars for us "regular" folk.

Warehouse sales in the US would be neat, but i guess that's what the CCO is for, it's not like us w/o access to stores/counters/CCOs would get access to a warehouse sale anyway, unless we like planned a trip around it

I think doing more than 2 colour stories per quarter is too much, we want what's first, etc, but that's only b/c it's "new." it's the mindset, OMG something new that might be LE is coming out- I must have it, NOW.

A fan favorite collection, where we get to vote to resurect (sp) a long gone item

I'm probably gonna be in the minority here, but it'd be nice if they'd take the fakes/scammers/resellers on ebay more seriously. I think it just might turn people off the brand.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Parishoon
I'm probably gonna be in the minority here, but it'd be nice if they'd take the fakes/scammers/resellers on ebay more seriously. I think it just might turn people off the brand.



Well-known member
The reason those lines have gwp in the first place is to boost sales, mac doesnt need it and probably wont ever do it. thank god.

I am too against GWP's - like everyone said the prices would go up, - even more than they already do and the sales people? would be pushy - they would have to sell to meet a certain quota like they have to in lauder, clinique etc and believe me at GWP times its sky high! More so than ever. Not to mention counters have contests to win stuff so they are competeting against each other to win ipods or extra gratis etc.

Not to mention pre-sell, these sales people will call you non stop every gwp to presell with you, even when you dont have money, to pressure to presell. you may think its ok cause you love mac but one day you just wont be in the mood, wont have $$ or just plain dont want or need anything and it aint pretty. I hated preselling, customers can get pretty nasty.

And the crowds at gwp time? forget it!

It sounds like a lot of people want mac to go the way of drugstore with sales, punchcards etc. they are already cheap compared to other lines and heck even some drugstore lines!


Well-known member
betty said:
1. Regarding all your issues with the MAC MA's. I understand that you all might have had some bad experiences with some Artists, BUT out of respect for the company and other MAC Artist's that view this site...keep those comments to yourself.
betty said:
This is a comment board and that is what we do - comment. You maybe a little biased working for mac and hearing it. I've seen and heard the good, bad and ugly at the makeup counter having worked it myself and I will say what experiences I've had - good and bad. You cant really expect us all to just say our good experiences ? Get real.

Originally Posted by betty
2. The reason MAC doesn't have GWP's or sales is because they don't have a budget for it, !

Well, like I said before gwps are actually making the company money, they dont lose money from them, they boost sales and actually mac has had a few of them here and there so the budget thing is actually not totally true - I've actually asked an exective about it gwps before.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by betty
Alright, first I want to say "Thank-you" to the other MAC MA's on here that talked some sense.

But, I unfortunately will be the MAC MA who is the biggest party pooper of them all!

1. Regarding all your issues with the MAC MA's. I understand that you all might have had some bad experiences with some Artists, BUT out of respect for the company and other MAC Artist's that view this site...keep those comments to yourself. I agree in that it's unfortunate to receive "bad service"..but that happens everywhere, and maybe you caught them on a bad day.

funny how you quoted embrace mac or whatever at the bottom when people are simply stating about service at a counter hmm think of it as 'warning' others if you want who wants to go on a major haul and recieve snotty service wishing you knew about it earlier its supposed to be an enjoyable experience. The company should also know about the bad service recieved at their counters as its the customer that matters without them they would have no business, problems cant just be brushed under the rug. Also the mac artists that visit this site it is not like people are bad mouthing them personally, if someone was to say oh i hate shop assistants in such a shop i would certainly not take it personally.


Active member
Let us have, once a year, a customer inspired fantasy collection of all the things that we just can't find anywhere.

Me, I would call it "fantasy irridesce" and it would consist of:

"seadragon" which would be like an MUFE starpowder, and would be a purple with pink, blue, and green duochrome pigment

"Snapdragon" which would be a bright coral with peach, gold, and blood orange duochrome pigment

"Dragonscale" which would be a finely milled glitter with a fairy green irridescence

Quad with a soft yellow wash color, Nightsky blue with purple duochrome, a VP formula that was called "Tahitian pearl" because it had chartreuse, maroon, and violet duochrome, and a vibrant teal with purple and green irridescence.

Lustreglass that looks exactly like heatherette with pink, violet and silver duochrome.
Lustreglass that is clear with bright red glitter and holographic irridescence.

Irridescent fairy pink pearlizer with blue sparkles
Irridescent fairy gold pearlizer with peach and gold sparkles.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gitargirl
Let us have, once a year, a customer inspired fantasy collection of all the things that we just can't find anywhere.

Me, I would call it "fantasy irridesce" and it would consist of:

"seadragon" which would be like an MUFE starpowder, and would be a purple with pink, blue, and green duochrome pigment

"Snapdragon" which would be a bright coral with peach, gold, and blood orange duochrome pigment

"Dragonscale" which would be a finely milled glitter with a fairy green irridescence

Quad with a soft yellow wash color, Nightsky blue with purple duochrome, a VP formula that was called "Tahitian pearl" because it had chartreuse, maroon, and violet duochrome, and a vibrant teal with purple and green irridescence.

Lustreglass that looks exactly like heatherette with pink, violet and silver duochrome.
Lustreglass that is clear with bright red glitter and holographic irridescence.

Irridescent fairy pink pearlizer with blue sparkles
Irridescent fairy gold pearlizer with peach and gold sparkles.

Where do I pre order?

but you've forgotten firedragon! that perfect red w/ just the tiniest hint of orange & yellow reflect (or soemthing along those lines)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by betty
Alright, first I want to say "Thank-you" to the other MAC MA's on here that talked some sense.

But, I unfortunately will be the MAC MA who is the biggest party pooper of them all!

1. Regarding all your issues with the MAC MA's. I understand that you all might have had some bad experiences with some Artists, BUT out of respect for the company and other MAC Artist's that view this site...keep those comments to yourself. I agree in that it's unfortunate to receive "bad service"..but that happens everywhere, and maybe you caught them on a bad day.

2. The reason MAC doesn't have GWP's or sales is because they don't have a budget for it, although you all might think that MAC's products are expensive, they're actually pretty reasonable compared to some of the Dept. store brands. To keep their prices reasonable and to continue to support the aids fund the way that they do, they let magazines, newspapers, billboards..etc. come to them. The media pays MAC to have MAC ads in their magazines, and all that money goes to the aids fund. That's all the advertising they need to do, the company is internationally known and recognized.

3. The colour stories come out so often now because of the way fashion works, make up is part of fashion and it is ever-changing so they have to keep up with the trends and the demand. You all might think it's too much but SURPRISE, aren't you all the ones who try to get your hands on the "newest, latest" stuff even before we MA's hear about it??? If they cut it back now, you would all be complaining that you were so bored with everything and that you'd want to see new stuff!! BTW....we are coming out with Lip Stains.

4. The point of B2M is to reward you for recycling and to benefit the aids fund........isn't that enough??!!

YES....some of the comments made here are good ones that could be helpful to the company as a whole and in that case I suggest that you go to your local MAC Counter or Store and ask the MA's for something called a "I THINK YOU SHOULD KNOW", this is a little sheet of paper in which you can voice your ideas or opinions and they will get sent directly to Head Office...and trust me, they DO read them, this is how some of your fav colours have stuck around.

I say all of this because I am passionate about my job as a MAC MA and because I am passionate about MAC, if you all love MAC as much as you say you do then embrace it in it's entirety!!

This is just a fun little threat where people post their opinions..(that's what it is for, is it not???) Chill out!! Nobody is insulting you personally, and I think some of these ideas are great (after all, they are just personal ideas). Wow....I'd hate to deal w/ you at your MAC store/counter on a "bad" day!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by betty
Alright, first I want to say "Thank-you" to the other MAC MA's on here that talked some sense.

But, I unfortunately will be the MAC MA who is the biggest party pooper of them all!

1. Regarding all your issues with the MAC MA's. I understand that you all might have had some bad experiences with some Artists, BUT out of respect for the company and other MAC Artist's that view this site...keep those comments to yourself. I agree in that it's unfortunate to receive "bad service"..but that happens everywhere, and maybe you caught them on a bad day.

2. The reason MAC doesn't have GWP's or sales is because they don't have a budget for it, although you all might think that MAC's products are expensive, they're actually pretty reasonable compared to some of the Dept. store brands. To keep their prices reasonable and to continue to support the aids fund the way that they do, they let magazines, newspapers, billboards..etc. come to them. The media pays MAC to have MAC ads in their magazines, and all that money goes to the aids fund. That's all the advertising they need to do, the company is internationally known and recognized.

3. The colour stories come out so often now because of the way fashion works, make up is part of fashion and it is ever-changing so they have to keep up with the trends and the demand. You all might think it's too much but SURPRISE, aren't you all the ones who try to get your hands on the "newest, latest" stuff even before we MA's hear about it??? If they cut it back now, you would all be complaining that you were so bored with everything and that you'd want to see new stuff!! BTW....we are coming out with Lip Stains.

4. The point of B2M is to reward you for recycling and to benefit the aids fund........isn't that enough??!!

YES....some of the comments made here are good ones that could be helpful to the company as a whole and in that case I suggest that you go to your local MAC Counter or Store and ask the MA's for something called a "I THINK YOU SHOULD KNOW", this is a little sheet of paper in which you can voice your ideas or opinions and they will get sent directly to Head Office...and trust me, they DO read them, this is how some of your fav colours have stuck around.

I say all of this because I am passionate about my job as a MAC MA and because I am passionate about MAC, if you all love MAC as much as you say you do then embrace it in it's entirety!!

i don't think anyone meant for the comments in this thread to be insulting towards MAs, nor did they even intend on it being taken seriously. this was intended to be a fantasy thread, where we could all have fun and be creative. we're all passionate about MAC here, there's no question about that, and i realize there is some direspect to MAs in general on these boards, but this thread really wasn't meant to be disrespectful. i think you could lighten up and just let us have fun? :confused:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by samila18
I think the b2m should be 6 empty e/s=1 e/s, 6 empty l/s=1 l/s and 6 empty l/g=1 l/g... it's only fair!!!!!

Gosh I'd never get a free lipstick with that system!

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