First applications are back!!!


Well-known member
I'm so excited XDDD I'm going to college, I'm going to college!!

I just got back from the guidence department tonight after talking to our councellor and I have my first four acceptance letters!!!!
The first is not technically "acceptance" but I've been "invited" to attend Moscow State University, University of Cambridge, Saint Petersburg State University, and University of Bahrain.

I had put my mail on hold while I was in Amman and asked that the school send their decision to the school along with my home in Amman.

Unfortunately, none of my US schools have come back, except for two.
What losers. Anyways, I'm just happy to know at least I'm going SOMEWHERE. I've been offered full tuition paid at Cambridge and University of Bahrain.

And I have been rejected by Yale and Vassar. Boo!

Still waiting on Harvard, Georgetown, Wake Forest, Smith and Brown.
Zomg! I'm going to college, I'm going to college XDDDD


Well-known member
Alf Mabrook habibiti! Georgetown was my dream school, until I found out how much it costs.

Keep me posted on what you decide!


Well-known member
Cambridge is giving you full tuition? OMG, that is amazing. Congratulations!

Don't worry about Yale and Vassar; from what I gather, they've had a huge amount of applications this year and had to turn down a lot of people. My sister is going into college this year too, and I'm friendly with most of her classmates, so I hear a lot of those, LOL. Incidentally, she was rejected by Yale, on wait list for Vassar, but she's already decided to accept Tufts.

Once again, congratulations!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Vassar and Yale are in the middle of nowhere. It's probably a blessing you didn't get in.

US colleges are such a crapshot to get into, especially the good ones. It sounds like you have great options, though.

You applied to Smith, as in Smith College? That's my alma mater.


Well-known member
congratulations! what great achievements already, really well done! keep us updated


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Vassar and Yale are in the middle of nowhere. It's probably a blessing you didn't get in.

Hey! Don't diss my home state

Congrats to the OP - that's fantastic news!!


Well-known member

Trust me, you're not missing anything by not being accepted to Vassar. Blessing in disguise and all that, imo.

Which school is your top choice?


Well-known member
I think my top choice is Moscow State University or Harvard University.

Moscow State has a better economics school and Harvard has a better pre-law/law program.

I've accepted by Harvard as of yesterday XD

Sending in the mass amount of paperwork to the Bahraini Education Ministry to apply for the government to cover my schooling ^.^
I think I have to return back home for a certain amount of time though. Not sure.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
I think my top choice is Moscow State University or Harvard University.

Moscow State has a better economics school and Harvard has a better pre-law/law program.

I've accepted by Harvard as of yesterday XD

Sending in the mass amount of paperwork to the Bahraini Education Ministry to apply for the government to cover my schooling ^.^
I think I have to return back home for a certain amount of time though. Not sure.

That's so exciting


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
Moscow State has a better economics school and Harvard has a better pre-law/law program.

I've accepted by Harvard as of yesterday XD.

Wow, good for you!!
That's so freaking exciting.

What do you want to study?

And btw, you probably already know this, but you're SO lucky that your education is paid for (or will be). I had to settle for my super-safety school so I wouldn't graduate almost 100 grand in debt. And I have to work full-time to pay it off. I'm jealous, lol.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone <3

Originally Posted by Dizzy
What do you want to study?

I really want to study economics, political science, or maybe finance.

At first I wanted to major in Russian, Slavic Studies, or Eastern European Studies. But the classes I've taken in the subjects (like masterpieces of Russian literature, ick) are so damn boring, even at college level.


Well-known member
A girl after my own heart- I'm a Political Science major with a philosophy and economic minors. Good luck with whatever you choose darlin!!!


Well-known member
I got into Wake and Georgetown; Georgetown's offered me an academic scholarship for the next four years. I dunno if I really want to go there though... not too hot on the Washington DC area.

I got some time off to see Moscow State and Saint Petersburg State this month so I'll be off to Russia in a few weeks

Just thought I'd update this.


Well-known member
Wow, Georgetown is a great school. You really should visit and see if it changes your mind... if an educated man is your thing it's also the city with the largest percentage of educated people living in it in the US.

Congrats! Keep us updated!