First Bad EBay Experience


Well-known member
Originally Posted by holliedavis
I wish ebay would allow you read just the negative ratings, instead of scrolling through dozens of pages looking for them. Know what I mean? If a seller has 10 negtaive and 100 positive ratings over the last six months, you have to search each page for the red tokens and read the details-

I was very grateful for this site and made a donation


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure that i have purchased from that ebay id too. I once bought a MAC lipstick (bubbles) they said it was new and unused, but when i got it it had blackish run marks through it. When i asked the seller about it, she said that she "sterilized it professionally" even though it was 'new'. I really let her have it and told ebay. uggggghhh I don't think she sells anymore. I only buy from those that i absolutely know that it is NIB and unused.


Well-known member
I once ordered Goldenaire and Deckchair pigments from a seller and they turned out to be fakes!!! I contated the seller, shipped the package back (got a tracking number), and i received a full refund. Same thing happened again just a month ago with a fake pair of Rock & Republic jeans. Sent them back & got my refund. I should've known though 'cuz the pics of the jeans she had were from & i asked to see her own pics and she never responded. Stupid me, i took a chance and bid and one. I paid about $56 USd for the pigments and $120 USD for the jeans. Luckily i got my refunds back but i know people who were not so lucky!