First Car??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by labellavita7
Oh my first car was a hunter green 1995 Ford Windstar. I was a soccer mom. My mother got a new car so she gave that to me when I first got my license. I was the cool kid with the minivan lol

My sisters was a 1987 Crown Victoria.... it was a BOAT. I think we had equally embarrassing cars in high school!

The minivan as too funny. At least you had a good size vehicle to haul all of your stuff...


Well-known member
HAHA!!! I would of LOVED to see that!

Originally Posted by Shimmer
I'm not even kidding.
I ran that little car so hard....the faster I drove the faster the headlights blinked. It looked like it was having a seizure while I went down the backroads...strobe light style.



Well-known member
My first car was a Chevy Cavailer, I think the year was 1985 I got it in 2000
please don't laugh, she was good to me while she lasted, "Pearl" yep that's what I called her because she was an "Old Lady". I miss her...


Well-known member
My first car was a 1994 Black Honda Civic Coupe. I got it in 1996 and that car was the coolest thing to me and was named Babe. I just recently had to get rid of it due to a blown engine and I was so sad.
At least I was able to get a new car but I will always miss that little car.


My first car will be a Kia Spectra. A white one too! I'm excited! But at the same time I'm a bit scared I might crash it.

I already have it, I'm just lending it to someone.


Well-known member
My first car is a little dark green 2002 Toyota Corolla I think it's LE. My second car, the one I have now, is a black 2008 Toyota Corolla S lol. It's the only car I can really afford even though my ideal car is a black Nissan Altima. It looks so classy.