
New member
Hi everyone!

Im so happy there is a site like this to share info about MAC interviews! Ok so I had my first MAC interview with Kim Flanner, the regional manager in IL. She asked me the basic questions like what do I know about MAC, where do I see myself in three years, and how would I achieve my sales goal. I feel confident from her facial expressions that I answered those questions on point...She then asked me to answer her questions as mastered or need training. But then the questions got a little more specific like on a scale from 1 to 10 what would i rate myself, what brush would I use for a cream based blush, what color eyeshadow would compliment blue eyes, and how would I apply eyeshadow to a person with eyes that are largly spaced apart. I totally went into panic mode... the questions mixed with my nerves wouldnt let me think straight!
Did I bomb the interview if I answered some of the make up questions wrong? I feel like I did great in the business aspect of the interview and not as well in the make up part. She said that the next interview would be one with a model that i would have to bring in and that she would only give me a call to let me know if I have another interview. So no call means no second interview and I have to wait till all of next week is over to see if i get a call back or not. I would love any feedback on if u think i bombed the interview or not... thanks


New member
aww don't beat yourself up! Sometimes it happens to me too, where I think I bombed something, but then it turned out all right. How did you answer the questions? Have you heard back? Good luck!