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First post on Specktra :) Dark blue, Glittery Eye look.


Well-known member
Very nice!


Well-known member
Wonderful look! I also love your tutorial, very clear, concise and the picture quality is excellent. Lastly, you have gorgeous eyes

Would love to see you post more in the future


Well-known member
As everyone else has said this is stunning! Sadly I do not have either e/s but am wondering how it would look with using the alternative e/s I have in different brands or a different color combo. either way I will be trying this for sure!

I had a random question though ~ do you use the Untitled paint just as a base or for color? I ask because I have Painterly in a paint pot sample and I also have UD's potion primer I guess it depends on your reason for using it.


Active member
I realllly love this! Though I cannot see myself "pulling it off," I will definitely try it. I don't have to leave the house.