First Tattoo


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Well...hehe she probably isn't the best person to base how the pain will be. She has nine piercings on her face, two more in "other" places, she is working on her sleeve, has tattoos on her legs, and her foot...BUT still she said it was one of the least painful! lol I personally wouldn't get any S/O's name tattooed on me, but then again its your tattoo. You decide. A lot of people wouldn't get a palm tree tattoo (that's what I have) but I love it! lol Hopefully it will work out for you though! You should post pics when you get it done.
I didn't put anything on it the first few days, the I put Eucerin (sp?) lotion on it when it started drying out. You Tattoo artist will probably give you any info you need.


Well-known member
Getting names of people tattooed on yourself is not a good idea unless it's like family (i.e. kids, parents, friends who've passed away etc). Husbands/wives don't count in my mind. Sometimes things change in a way we don't want them to change. If you want to remember the good times why not get a word/phrase/lyrics, drawing, picture, etc that reminds you of those good times?


Well-known member
well im saying the same. bad idea on the name. if you are dead set on getting something the represents your good times, get his astrological sign. im sorry the name thing is just wrong for anyone. plus i've heard that doing that puts a jinx on your relationship. wives tale, i know. anyways good luck. i have three right now and geting 4 and 5 febuary 4th on my chest. all of them hurt. i have a low pain tolerance. but sucking on suckers def help w/keeping my mind on something other then the pain. and it keeps your blood sugar at a good level. my back hurt the worst, but it is pretty big and took forever.


Well-known member
i know everyone thinks its a bad idea, but it is my choice. we been through so much already and i dont think anything could hold us back. we been thru then any other couple i've seen. it's not the we had a lot of fights and were still okay.. its a lot more then that. it's more like he went to to prision and i waited.. dont think anything about that either. it was something he didn't do, but i stuck by him.. and thats not even the beginning.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
i know everyone thinks its a bad idea, but it is my choice. we been through so much already and i dont think anything could hold us back. we been thru then any other couple i've seen. it's not the we had a lot of fights and were still okay.. its a lot more then that. it's more like he went to to prision and i waited.. dont think anything about that either. it was something he didn't do, but i stuck by him.. and thats not even the beginning.

it takes a strong person to wait for someone when they go away. i dont know if i could be that person. im glad things worked out for you. and i hope you love your tattoo!! cant wait to see it!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
I'm going for my first tattoo tonight at 6pm. I'm scared. Any advice?

I've never gotten a tat. just piercings, I plan to though! As soon as I figure out what I want... This will probably sound silly but this is what I'd do: Just to try and relax and not concentrate so much on what's going on. Then again I have a high pain tollorance. I think you said your b/f was going with you? Have him hold your hand or something
That's always comforting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by so_siqqq
Getting names of people tattooed on yourself is not a good idea unless it's like family

Tell me about it. As a young(er) stupid teenager I "carved" my boyfriend's initials to the left of my thumb. Baddd idea. Hurt like hell. So he left me a couple years later and I was forced to get a knife and scratch it all out. Not fun. But at least I learned my lesson. I won't get anyone name tattooed b/c I really don't believe in true love anyone. 50% of people get divorced.

BTW- Thats not towards anyone in particular! If you guys are in love, go ahead and do it! But I would make him get your name to, just to be safe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by barbie_doll_713
Tell me about it. As a young(er) stupid teenager I "carved" my boyfriend's initials to the left of my thumb. Baddd idea. Hurt like hell. So he left me a couple years later and I was forced to get a knife and scratch it all out. Not fun. But at least I learned my lesson. I won't get anyone name tattooed b/c I really don't believe in true love anyone. 50% of people get divorced.

BTW- Thats not towards anyone in particular! If you guys are in love, go ahead and do it! But I would make him get your name to, just to be safe.

I believe in true love. I really didn't before until I met my boyfriend. I know everyone on here thinks the tattoo was a bad idea, but everyone who knows us and sees us on a daily basis love it because they know it's not a bad idea. He's gonna get my name soon, but a lot bigger.

i have pics, but i won't even bother posting them since mostly everyone who responded was aganist it. thanks for all the advise tho.

to the person who told me to eat... he made me go eat more before we started. i only had like half a hot dog and some fries so i went and ate 2 slices of pizza.


Well-known member
Well, you already went, so I'm too late. But, basically tattoos feel like cat scratches. No big deal. Just pick a really fleshy spot, because it hurts way more if it's near a bony area. Wow. Once the needle hit near my ankle, I thought I was gonna pass out.

However, since you've already done it, I can at least advise you on what to use on it! Lots of people use Neosporin, but I always used Noxema. It not only prevents scarring better than Neosporin (in my experience), but it's cooling, so the tat won't itch as much.

BTW, when it itches and you can't scratch, just slap the tat once or twice to stop the itching.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovejam
Well, you already went, so I'm too late. But, basically tattoos feel like cat scratches. No big deal. Just pick a really fleshy spot, because it hurts way more if it's near a bony area. Wow. Once the needle hit near my ankle, I thought I was gonna pass out.

i cant describe how it felt, but it wasn't bad. 2 out of the 6 letters hurt pretty bad, but that was probably like a solid minute of bad pain and it wasn't even all at once. my neck was stiff after from sitting so long.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
my neck was stiff after from sitting so long.

I can imagine! If I get another one, though, it'll most likely be on the back of my neck.

BTW, I think it's cute that you and your boyfriend are getting each others' names done. Has he decided where his tat's gonna be?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovejam
I can imagine! If I get another one, though, it'll most likely be on the back of my neck.

BTW, I think it's cute that you and your boyfriend are getting each others' names done. Has he decided where his tat's gonna be?

thank you. i appericate that because most people just tell me how it was wrong and i dont think its anyones place to judge me, but i'm prepared for it.

he is either getting it on his stomach or across his whole back. mine is pretty big, but his is going to be huge. he teared up when i got it and held my hand the whole time.

the guy who did the tattoo tried to talk me out of it the other day, but after spending time with us he was excited because anyone who knows us can see how much love we have for each other and it doesn't seem stupid when you see us.

after the outline he took a break, but my neck was stuck in that position for a lil while.

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I don't think anybody was judging you. I just think hearing so many horror stories that they were just looking out for you in the long run. Getting someone's name is a big deal for some reason. I mean, you can easily get a heart or a rose and decide years later you don't like it anymore. But that's not as controversial. As you know, if anything comes between you and your boyfriend (god forbid) you have options if you ever decide to get rid of it. Otherwise, screw what people think and enjoy your new Tattoo and your love for your boyfriend!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jennifer Mcfly
I don't think anybody was judging you. I just think hearing so many horror stories that they were just looking out for you in the long run. Getting someone's name is a big deal for some reason. I mean, you can easily get a heart or a rose and decide years later you don't like it anymore. But that's not as controversial. As you know, if anything comes between you and your boyfriend (god forbid) you have options if you ever decide to get rid of it. Otherwise, screw what people think and enjoy your new Tattoo and your love for your boyfriend!!

i didnt mean anyone here is judging me. i just know like family and stuff will. i showed my mom and she likes it. i love it and my boyfriend loves it. i been wanting a tattoo, but never knew what to get, but i knew it would have to be something important to me not just a picture. the most important thing to me is my family and my boyfriend is like all that i have.

Originally Posted by Lucy In The Sky...
good luck with your tat, i hope it come out nice!

also, does anyone know how painful it is for a tat on the back?

my mom has one on her lower back and she said it hurt a little. my neck really was nothing. just a few spots, but i'm sure anyone could handle it. i had to buy baby shampoo because my regular shampoo is too harsh and i figured baby shampoo is pretty much the mildest i could find. keeping my hair off it is the biggest pain.

and the alcohol they put on afterwards was the worst part of the whole tattoo.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovejam
Well, you already went, so I'm too late. But, basically tattoos feel like cat scratches. No big deal. Just pick a really fleshy spot, because it hurts way more if it's near a bony area. Wow. Once the needle hit near my ankle, I thought I was gonna pass out.

However, since you've already done it, I can at least advise you on what to use on it! Lots of people use Neosporin, but I always used Noxema. It not only prevents scarring better than Neosporin (in my experience), but it's cooling, so the tat won't itch as much.

BTW, when it itches and you can't scratch, just slap the tat once or twice to stop the itching.

What is scarring exactly?

But I totally agree, don't scratch! I was walking around slapping my back down the halls at my job, looking crazy, but it had to be done. LOL!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
What is scarring exactly?

But I totally agree, don't scratch! I was walking around slapping my back down the halls at my job, looking crazy, but it had to be done. LOL!!

the girl before me had a lot of scar tissue on the tattoo she was adding to and she was crying.

i dont know how they scar or anything so i wanna know too.. the artist told me to use a lotion like curel fragrance free after the scabs form or whatever.

how long do you usually use the ointment before you switch to lotion?.. my boyfriend has tattoos but doesn't really know since he never put anything on his. i'm suprised that they still look good.

it doesn't itch yet.. when does that start.. it's only like 15 hours old because he didnt finish until 10:45pm.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
the girl before me had a lot of scar tissue on the tattoo she was adding to and she was crying.

i dont know how they scar or anything so i wanna know too.. the artist told me to use a lotion like curel fragrance free after the scabs form or whatever.

how long do you usually use the ointment before you switch to lotion?.. my boyfriend has tattoos but doesn't really know since he never put anything on his. i'm suprised that they still look good.

it doesn't itch yet.. when does that start.. it's only like 15 hours old because he didnt finish until 10:45pm.

That sounds about right. I think I used A&D for about a week or so until the scabs formed. After that I used a really good lotion.

I was asking about scarring because my tattoo is raised, it's not flush with my skin but it doesn't look or feel weird. And I think I remember him telling me that black people, and people with darker skin, are more prone to scarring. I want to know if that's what I have. My brother's isn't flush with his skin either but my mom's is. And, oddly enough, it isn't raised in one section at the tip. It used to all be raised. Hmmmmm....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
That sounds about right. I think I used A&D for about a week or so until the scabs formed. After that I used a really good lotion.

I was asking about scarring because my tattoo is raised, it's not flush with my skin but it doesn't look or feel weird. And I think I remember him telling me that black people, and people with darker skin, are more prone to scarring. I want to know if that's what I have. My brother's isn't flush with his skin either but my mom's is. And, oddly enough, it isn't raised in one section at the tip. It used to all be raised. Hmmmmm....

what lotion did you use?