First time *blushes*


Well-known member
My first time, i was really comfortable with my bf and i was scared shitless but i tired to relax, and remember if it hurts too much he can always stop, but its not a pain where you have to drop on the floor an cry, its just a bit strecthy and uncomfortable, and you may bleed, i bled quite a bit actually but it wasnt painful. For some girls it doesnt hurt, but since i was really scared i was 16 i think, he probably didnt put 1 inch in and i was already saying take it out take it out!!!!! So we tried a 2nd time and it was better


Well-known member
LOTS of foreplay. As a gay friend once said to me,


Or something of that sort.

Also, have him finger you as a part of the foreplay. I had my Beau gradually put 3 fingers inside of me [hey, I wanted to be prepared], and it made a world of difference. The actual intercourse didn't hurt at all, and I barely bled. The fingering helps because it makes the initial entry less painful.

And don't do what I did, and make him stop every five minutes to see if the condom slipped, lol...he started getting frustrated.
I'd never done it before, I was just making sure!


Well-known member
like most people here the key is lots of foreplay to get you relaxed and try not to tense up because that will hurt. my first time didn't hurt but at first iit felt tight, but not a painful tight, but after 5 mins or so it started to feel great. turned out that i bled a tiny bit but i never felt like i was bleeding if you know what i mean.


Active member
Thanks again everyone <33333 I'll most probably save myself until I'm married. I was just really curious though, couldn't help myself xD


Well-known member
Oh man. It hurt like hell. Blood was gushing out of me like a river. It felt like my vagina was going to tear in half. my whole body was paralyzed in pain. I cried through the whole thing.

Jk. I'm still a virgin too. I've always wondered if it'll hurt. I don't even use tampons. EVER!!!
I'm assuming it can't be that bad if so many people are ding it. :p


Well-known member
Relax, engage in some foreplay, when you're ready, have him ease it in and work at a slow pace.


Active member
I think you should keep yourself for marriage, it is the best thing... Having a baby is a lot more painful, but that is what happens if you do it unprotected...


Well-known member
My first time was HORRIBLE. It was extremely painful, I bled a lot and the man who took it from me was a complete piece of shit. But I was also at fault too, so I blame myself more than anything. It was the worst pain of my life.

Actually, sex hurt for me about the first 10-15 times until I could get adjusted to it. I had been having sex on a regular basis with my fiance for about six months and hadn't been a virgin for almost a year and I was still going to to my OB/GYN for pain during sex. I think it's just because I was really tight and could never really relax. Sometimes, it still does hurt but it goes away after a couple of minutes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mistella
my first time didn't hurt at all and i didnt even bleed. i remember all the stories and being so scared and i was scared for nothing.

same here. i don't actually remember my first time (it must have really sucked haha) but i do remember that there wasn't any pain or blood. foreplay rules though, whether you can relax or not...foreplay is always awesome fun.


Well-known member
Definitely indulge in lots of foreplay it will definitely help the process. It was uncomfortable, but I was holding my breath waiting for it to be bad and it really wasn't.

It's your decision to wait or not... but pain is not a reason to not do it... sex only gets better with practice and there has to be a first some time.

It also helped that it was my bf's first time too so the whole thing lasted less than 3 minutes... heh.

Faded Rose

Originally Posted by Shimmer
It hurts. Not a lot, but it's certainly not comfortable.
Relax through it, be sure you're ready, and be safe.

Same here! It was only this year, so it's still fresh in my mind. It hurt at first, and it felt weird. Just give it some time and take it slow.

Originally Posted by NicksWifey
Sometimes, it still does hurt but it goes away after a couple of minutes.

Same here. Just the first minutes that you need to get accustomed to his size etc. But once he's inside it goes away.