fishy site..what do you think


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Angels_Decay
I'm alway very werry of sites like these. When I can I aways try to get stuff straight from the source and I hear gone but not forgottn can be really helpful on dc'd items. ALWAYS CHECK ON THE SITES RETURN POLICY!!! So if your not 100% happy you can get your money back.

First thing I did was check the returns policy

I'm still wary though....


Well-known member
Personally, I'm definitely avoiding it seeing there's no batch code stamped or printed on the label on the bottom of the jar as well as the label being so visibly translucent. Also, the label on top of the box seems off to me. Kinda reminds me of the fake label on top of the box on the left as well as the box quality in this picture:

Might sound silly but the top flap of the box where the fold line is doesn't fold as neatly as the authentic MAC box on the right (in the pic above). The scratches all over... Resembles the fake Pink Vivid box. (So that's how the scratches got there. All thrown into a huge box with NO care at all..) Very shiny black screw lid too...

As for the swatch, maybe its just me but all I see in the swatch is a silvery charcoal grey shade.


Well-known member
The font on the back of the jar is what's got my alarm bells ringing....and the fact that the jar label has no batch number whereas the box has a 2002 batch number?

I really hope this isn't the new trend for fakes - putting fake jars into genuine boxes? Is nothing sacred?


Well-known member
People sell on their authentic empty boxes all the time (here, ebay etc). It wouldnt be unheard of for authentic boxes to contain counterfeit jars.

I agree with both of you, looks fake to me (the shiny lid is the major warning bell in my head - just like those so-good-its-scary pigments from those 'the same 8 shades' sellers. Also the lack of a batch code is very odd). The writing on the inside disc and the bottom of the jar also look too raised/defined to me (also just like those fakes).

Its worrying if they are branching out to the pro/discontinued/LE/rare items as they can fool people who probably dont have the real to compare to (and can charge more than RRP for the privilege).

If they can replicate the textures of the authentic pigments (which they almost have done), it wouldnt be that much trouble for them to come up with all of the shades.
Scary thought.


Well-known member
The texture is spot on, that IS the scary thing. The colour I'm not sure about though - Deep Blue Green looks so different in different lightings.
I'm going to get TenderTendrils to send it on to me so I can swatch it next to my genuine one. The fakes are getting so good these days that it seems actually seeing the product in person is now the only way to tell.

And I thought that last lot of fakes we discovered (the ones with Rose, Aire De Blu, Dark Soul etc) were really good?!!
These ones have raised the game big time (if they are fake of course


Well-known member
Yeah that was the lot (Rose, Dark Soul etc) i was referring too - horribly well faked, but if the seller has just that lot of shades (and usually multiple auctions, especially if you check prior feedback) and nothing else (its about 8 pigment shades and 10ish eyeshadow ones - club, brun, angelcake, swimming etc - you need to look for), than they're almost guaranteed fakes.

Ive heard and seen pictures (in a thread on here) of the good counterfeits swatched next to their authentic kin, and the fakes apply more grainy and quite a bit less even - but this is the only real difference in texture (swatches of the fakes show an obvious difference in colour to the authentic ones in the examples ive seen).

I know the crap fakes almost always come from the Asian region, but i wonder where these good fakes come from - are they the same manufacturers? This worries me, because i dont have any more faith in the finished product being any more skin/eye safe than those atrocious counterfeit ones (which are made with profit in mind, not the health and wellbeing of the consumer).

At least if its a manufacturer churning out 'mineral makeup' type products (ie cheaply made, safe, basic products - that may not be completely 'mineral') and calling them MAC, you can at least have some belief that people wont get skin reactions or something awful when they use them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kittiegothgirl
some girls from a forum i'm on want to order "wholesale" from this site :

what do you think? it seems really weird to me :s

NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!! can't even say it enough! NO NO NO NO NO BABY!!!!!
avoid these scammers like they are the friggin' plague!
