Yeah that was the lot (Rose, Dark Soul etc) i was referring too - horribly well faked, but if the seller has just that lot of shades (and usually multiple auctions, especially if you check prior feedback) and nothing else (its about 8 pigment shades and 10ish eyeshadow ones - club, brun, angelcake, swimming etc - you need to look for), than they're almost guaranteed fakes.
Ive heard and seen pictures (in a thread on here) of the good counterfeits swatched next to their authentic kin, and the fakes apply more grainy and quite a bit less even - but this is the only real difference in texture (swatches of the fakes show an obvious difference in colour to the authentic ones in the examples ive seen).
I know the crap fakes almost always come from the Asian region, but i wonder where these good fakes come from - are they the same manufacturers? This worries me, because i dont have any more faith in the finished product being any more skin/eye safe than those atrocious counterfeit ones (which are made with profit in mind, not the health and wellbeing of the consumer).
At least if its a manufacturer churning out 'mineral makeup' type products (ie cheaply made, safe, basic products - that may not be completely 'mineral') and calling them MAC, you can at least have some belief that people wont get skin reactions or something awful when they use them.