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Flawless Foundation Technique???

glammy girl

Well-known member
Hey guys! So I've had my fair share of foundation application struggles, patchy skin, streaking galore, oiliness throughout the day etc etc and I'm sure many can relate and wouldn't mind tips and tricks from others to ensure a flawless foundation application :) I have switched up my routine and I found that this usually works good for me unless my skin is acting up... Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion Mac Prep and Prime Skin to areas that tend to oil up (forehead and nose) Mac Studio Fix Fluid Foundation Mac 130 brush (still streaks a little) Mac Studio Fix Powder Mac Fix Plus all over face Please share your routine and products you use to make your foundation look great and fresh all day :)


Well-known member

I can totally help you. I would start by priming the face really well, then instead of a foundation brush use a strippling brush and buff the foundation into your face using circular motions, this gives you a very pretty airbrushed look. I use to different foundations on my face, one that matches me skintone I use all over my face and then a darker foundation for my cheek bones this creates depth to the face instead of it just being one overall color. Also I do my makeup in my bathroom under false light when I finish my foundation I go to my window and look at my face with the natural light that's coming in through my window, makeup looks totally different in different light.

I also would powder my face to set foundation and reduce any oil they would come through throughout the day. I think using the strippling brush and the buffing method makes your foundation look a lot more natural and flawless. I also buff on my bronzer and brush ( depending on the formula, powder, creme ) But this also creates a really flawless look. Another tip is to apply a bb cream to your face before you apply foundation, this also work.

vist my blog www.kmakesithappen.blogspot.ca I think I might have a flawless skin tutorial on there for your looking for photos. Just type flawless skin in the search box and it should come up.

Let me know how it goes

Cheers, kassie