Flowering e/s quad (Asia-exclusive?)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Isis
I emailed MAC about that last night, they said "At this time our Asia specific colours are not available in the United States, Hawaii included."
That's depressing.

I am going to wait and see if it gets released in the States because when the Asian exclusives lustres came out last year? I emailed MAC and they said the same thing, then a few months later they were released in the States so -- you never know. MAC emails are unreliable IMHO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by asnbrb
huh. i wonder if they'll have it at our DFS. we used to get the Asian Exclusive thingies.

I'm wondering the same thing. I still got a CP for it, but if you ever find out, please let me know. I know they have had the travel exclusive palettes and the Lustrevision stuff in the past, but I'm not sure if they had Asian exclusive quads like the Flutterfly one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sarah
I cant make my mind up about this. It look so pretty but im put off by lustres, id love to see actual swatches of the colours

I think you'll be able to see it soon and US gals, I'd advise you guys to arrange a CP ASAP because people are already offering them on MUA and stuff and one girl here in Singapore somehow managed to reserve 15 quads which she says are all for CP...how she managed that I will never know.. Especially since Catherine only gets released today for us, so Culturebloom is still a long way off...

Slightly OT but is it ok for MAC to let her do that? Seems rather strange IMO...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweet8684girl
I'm wondering the same thing. I still got a CP for it, but if you ever find out, please let me know. I know they have had the travel exclusive palettes and the Lustrevision stuff in the past, but I'm not sure if they had Asian exclusive quads like the Flutterfly one.

gah, from what I remember, they had the one with the glitter creme thing and a bunch others with just lippies. damn if I remember if that's Asian Exclusive. I'm gonna see if I can track down the number.

eta: just called. no answer. blah, but I think (like 80% sure) that the glitter creme one was the one with honesty that's in someone's sale. I remember cause I was all "sh*t. I got this color already." (nowadays, that doesn't stop me, but still."