For all those MILANI lovers..



Just got home from ULTA, dont know if they have this in other countries, but they are having a buy one get one sale for the milani line (among others).

So for all those who having been wanting to get the quads, you can get two for the price of ONE!!!! they currenly carry 8 sets and 4 le. so for all those addicts out there you can get all 12 quads for $30...thats 48 shades for 30 bucks.. not too shabby.

the sale is on until the fifth of august, HOT

ps. what are your fav (milani) quads / most versatile? Also, im a newbie, are any of these shades similar to mac e/s? ( i already know about the similarities between milani singles.)


Well-known member
thanks for the info ms_junie...I


Well-known member
Here r some equivalents:

MAC Amber Lights = Milani in Sun Goddess, Milani Desert Sun
MAC Black-Tied = Milani in Storm
MAC Brule = Milani in Almondine
MAC Dementhe = Milani in Clover
MAC Electric Eel = Milani in Atlantis
MAC Guacamole = Milani in Limbo Lime
MAC Humid = Milani in Clover
MAC Jest = Milani in Peachy Peach
MAC Juxt = Milani in Garden Mist
MAC Little Madame = Milani in Illusion
MAC Mulch = Milani in Java Bean
MAC Nocturnelle = Milani Shock
MAC Parfait Amour = Milani in Enchantment
MAC Perverted Pearl = Milani in Silver Bullet
MAC Pink Freeze = Milani in Taffy
MAC Sable = Milani in Java Bean
MAC Sketch, MAC Shadowy Lady = Milani Marooned
MAC Unreally Blue = Milani Blue Jeans
Philosophy Prosperity = UD Floormat
MAC Shale = Milani in Icy Plum
MAC Silver Pigment = Milani in Mercury
MAC Sketch = Milani in Marooned
MAC Steamy = Milani in Clover
MAC Sumptuous Olive = Milani in Antique Gold
MAC Trax = Milani in Desire
MAC Vanilla = Milani in Snow Frost
MAC Vellum = Milani in Moonlight


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