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For Lizz & DaisySC (NOW READY!!!)


Well-known member
you're so pretty, great tutuorial too.


Active member
This tutorial was hilariously awesome, thank you! I'm not Lizz or Daisy so I hope you don't sic Monsieur Beaumont on me for peeking.
Actually he's pretty cute...


Active member
Still the most amazing tutorial. First tutorial to convince me that eye shadow can look good on Asian eye shapes (and with step by step instruction too!).

Plus this inspired me to have a look at high tea.


Well-known member
Wow, you have GREAT skin! And I love those colors. I'm Asian as well so this is doubly helpful.


Active member
That was my fave tutorial ever! You are so funny, but you also did a great job of showing what shadow went where and how
Thank you!


Well-known member
that was probably the most entertaining tutorials I have ever seen. love mr. brush and those glasses! so cute.


Well-known member
lol this is a great tut, and your sense of humor is awesome - your faces and comments are funny
I love this look, I plan on doing it sometime in the very near future.. great job!