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for Miss Marcy (blue purple pink)


Well-known member
Ohhhhh this is so beautiful! I love these colours on you. Unforch I don't think they'd suit me so I'm going to improvise and do the same thing you did, but with different colours. Your tutorial was so clear and precise it's really easy to follow what you've done. you should do more tutorials!


Well-known member
That looks SO unbelievably gorgeous! It reminds me of some type of fantasy character like a fairy. I love it!


i LOVE your make-up. it's SO fareaking gorgeous. i wish i could do something like that on my single-lidded eyes -,-..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mango88
I really love this look! you look great. btw, which eyeliner brush do you use?

i use the 268 :]


Well-known member
it reminds of something you might see for i dream of jeanie. how cute! i really like it. those are the kind of fun styles i often experiment with.

thanks for sharing!!



Well-known member
Girl You Hit This Look Right On The Nail I Am All About Being Colorful. This Is Just Gorgeous On You And You Know What Even Without Make~up You Are Still A Very Beautiful Young Lady


Well-known member
LOVE this tut.
and i am 32 and have zits so don't feel bad. no one looks great without makeup past age 16 LOL!

what is the green on your lower lid/line.

can't wait to try it out.