For the sake of beauty....i ended up in the E.R.!!!


Well-known member
s0damnbeautiful : actually I am not allergic to hair dye but perm stuff. If I was allergic to dye, I think I would actually die hahaha

I have lots of grey hair, they need to be covered


Well-known member
OMG THATS HORRIBLE HOT AS FCUK AND WILLA! I have a similar story although its not related to hair. I usually tweeze my eyebrows and take care of my upper lip hair using a nair delipitory. Anyway, one day my sis & i were at the mall and she said "hey lets get our eyebrows done!" and i told her that my eyebrows were fine but i could probably try and have them do my upper lip hair, just so she and i could be doing something together. so anyways, the lady first waxed my upper lip and then she started threading any strays away. i literally had tears rolling down my cheeks from the burning sensation! so anyway, once out in the sunlight, my sister says that my face looks like it was burned. it turns out that my skin was really sensitive due to my using retin-a. so ya, i went to the dermo and they gave me this great burn cream and about two weeks later, i was back to normal no scarring thank god! but anyways, i called the corporate offices and what the vp ended up doing was refunding my medical bills and then giving me a 100.00 dollar gift card to their place because they should have asked me if i was using retin-a or any of that type products.


Well-known member
I bleach my hair (and then use a vegetable dye over it) about 3-4 times a year and have done so for almost 15 years. I always use the same brand and have always had consistent results. However, a few years ago I had a similar - though not as extreme - reaction as the OP. I started to feel very faint, over-heated, like my scalp was burning and my face was bright red. I felt so shaky and frightened, especially as I was alone at the time.

I quickly washed the bleach out (luckily it had more or less done the job anyway) and tried to calm myself down. Things went back to normal in about half an hour, but I was pretty shocked. I phoned the helpline number on the bleach box to ask if the product ingredients had changed, but they were still the same. They suggested that my hair had perhaps been "too clean" at the time of bleaching, saying the scalp is normally partially protected from the chemicals by its natural oils. I wasn't sure if this really was the case, but it certainly was a horrible experience!


Well-known member
What is scary is that you don't know when it will stop

I had my hair permed twice when I was younger and I never had any problem...

I guess it's true that you can develop allergies throught the time


Well-known member
Its Sunday and i still have this ugly sunshine yellow hair!!! I'm going to get it re-done either tomorrow or Tuesday night. I'm hoping to go into the darker shades but i'll talk to the stylist! My scalp is pretty much healed but i was still picking off scabs yesterday! I washed, blow dried, & straightened it yesterday ( i was scared to do it since the incident in fear of pain!) but it was okay! My hair is still really shiny and the colour doesn't look as scary as it did the other night!!

Well i'll keep you guys updated when i finally get my hair done so i can be seen in public LOL


Well-known member
I think in Willa's case, when she specifically told the student not to use perm solution because she was allergic, she may have a case if she chooses to sue the school. Certainly the student was negligent in applying a solution to the client's scalp when the client requested she not do so---and the instructor was negligent for not supervising this student properly.

Willa, I hope you don't keep quiet about this. Someone needs to know what happened to you. File a formal complaint with the school---write to the director to let him/her know what happened. If you don't get satisfaction, go to the licensing board or other agency that might regulate cosmetology. You definitely suffered because of this student's mistake and her refusal to listen to you.

If you just keep quiet and don't say anything, this student will go out and do to her clients what she did to you. If she doesn't understand the seriousness of her error, she will very likely continue to fry other people's scalps and do who knows what.

Allergies are very serious and can be life-threatening. I get the impression that the student and instructor blew off your concerns and have no clue about the consequences you had to suffer for their incompetence.

Good luck to you!


Active member
I guess mine is technically hair related. I had a wedding to go to that was a few days away so I decided to get my upper lip and chin waxed. I asked the woman to make sure that the wax wasn't too hot because my face gets red easily, but she couldn't change anything once the wax was applied. Needless to say, I went home with a red mark that went around my mouth and across my chin. I hid from my bf and cried in the bathroom until he calmed me down. I was more upset that my makeup couldn't cover it up than I was at having redness.


Well-known member
I have terrible hair horror stories..lets just say no one EVER gets it right!!! arhhh my latest is that i wanted to bleach my black hair to just small steps. Well, the next time I went to get it from brown to light brown..instead the lady (I DONT KNOW WHAT IN THE HELL WAS SHE THINKING) she dyed my hair bright GINGER!! with ugly yellow mustard highlights! OMG i was so upset!! So I demanded her to fix it even after my scalp was hurting, so she fixed it but then it turned out a very bright strawberry blonde. I was still upset but I was like Im going to get it dark blonde or light brown. So after a couple days, I dyed it light brown. It came out darker but it washed out lighter just with orange undertones on it. It looks nice indoor but outside it looks orangy brown which doesnt flatter my skintone at all!

All I have to say is I myself couldve dyed my hair way better! I dont know why I wasted my money and time into a salon when in fact now in days im guessing they dont care and arent experienced!


Well-known member
LaVixxen : too many salons hires employees who pretends knowing what they do, but end up in disaster each time

I'm really scared to have chemical products in my hair again...
I got my hair cut a month ago and it was by a friend of mine, it's very cute and everything, but I got ANOTHER allergic reaction!!! Can you believe this?

The apron she used on me (plastic one with velcro around the neck) probably had products in it because of her last uses... I ended up having a rash all around my neck for 2 weeks ¬¬

I'm so scared to go back to the hairdresser that right now my hair is black on the tips (my hair stop before my shoulders) with dark brown roots showing off for 4 inches long, with superbe grey hair in it.

At least I'm not allergic to makeup... Wait, I AM... Shadesticks from MAC
Ok. not funny.


Well-known member
Oh, I have so many stories...none that put me in the ER (*knock on wood*), though. Geeez, ladies! Those stories were intense!

So I go to this salon in the mall years ago to change up my hair color. My first red flag should have been there was one lady there, and NO other clients, many empty chairs. I had this bright vegetable dye on my hair, and wanted to go lighter. I asked her what was possible, and if going blond was not possible, to please let me know what other options I had.

"Oh,we can do it." So she's putting bleach on, and I am OK. She rinses and does another application-it starts to burn and I let her know. "Oh, it's supposed to do that." Then it gets REALLY bad to the point I am almost in tears. So after several minutes of going back and forth, she FINALLY takes me to the shampoo bowl. From the ears down, my hair feels like PLASTIC. Not even Barbie hair-hard PLASTIC. lol I ask her if this is normal, and she says, "Oh, we can fix that." So I left with a chemical cut and almost platinum blond hair, and couldn't dry my hair for a while.

I also had a awesome stylist dye my hair green when I worked in a salon-and acted like it looked so hot.
The girl I assisted (who was amazingly smart about hair color) cussed him out and fixed it for me. I just loved her, lol.


Well-known member
Sorry ur case turned extreme!! Hope u get it straightened out n ur hair pretty again!

I have a similar story! I've been getting my hair done since I was 13 (never have done it at home, always the salon). My hair is still naturally blonde, but its not as light and shiny and bouncy as it is when I color it. Anyways, I used to get highlights for yrs, but the last few yrs I get full color. The same woman has always done my hair bc she does such a great job! She always writes what brand of color shes uses, and we stuck with the same one for those yrs bc it worked well. Well for a couple trips in a row, my scalp would start burning like crazy!!! I almost couldn't take it, but I didn't say anything. Well the next time it started burning SO BAD that I was freaking out inside, and my head was getting so hot and I told her so she start lifting random pieces to help the chemical escape and I barely barely made it long enough for it to color my hair! My scalp was very red/pink and later that night or the next day there were all these soft, mushy parts all over my scalp, like open wounds! Later they hardened into scabs!

Obviously I suddenly showed an allergic reaction to the dye so we switched brands, now everything is fine!

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