For those who have moved far away...


Well-known member
How do you cope? I move in 2 weeks and I'm a complete wreck. Between the stress of having to pack all my belongings, figuring out where I'm going to live, how I'm going to get there, and spending time with my friends and family, I'm about to lose it. I cry whenever I start thinking or talking about it, it's awful, I'm so completely overwhelmed.

I've been trying to spend time with friends this week so far, and it keeps resting in the back of my mind that it might be the last time I see that person for a long time, so I feel some sort of pressure to make it the best time I've ever spent with them, which ultimately makes it lame and no fun.

I feel like such a sissy, but this is the first time living so far from the life I know... I've lived within 3 hrs of my family my entire life, and I know that change is good, especially this change is going to be amazing, but part of me wants to stay here and stay the same and be with my family and my friends, but I know I'd be cheating myself.

Any suggestions or advice?


Well-known member
First off, take a deep breath.

I ALWAYS get overwhelmed when I move. It's such an exhausting process. How far are you in that area? Have you gotten you affairs wrapped up in your current place and put a good dent in your packing? This was always so important for me because I let time get away from me and underestimated the time it took to pack.

Secondly, don't fret about not seeing your family and friends. Vegas is one of the most accessible cities there is. They can come see you or you can fly back home to see them. Don't put that much pressure on yourself.

I have more to say but I'll have to type it when I get home from work, as I have to start getting ready to go now. Just try to relax. It will be ok. It will be stressful, but it will be ok.


Well-known member
thamks ladies, i appreciate the advice.


Well-known member
Hey there. I'm originally from Canada, but have lived on two other continents. Each time I've moved, there were hard times of course, but it was pretty seamless. Here are some tips:

-tie up loose ends with friends, family, co-workers or whatever.
-inventory your personal goods and throw out everything you haven't worn or used in 2 years. You will save big time on moving costs!
-pack some "emotional items" from home that will make you feel more at ease, such as a family heirloom or a favourite piece of art.
-get your packing done at least a week beforehand, you will need the extra time.
-Research your new location via the internet. Learn the layout of the location, the who's, where's and whats.
-Find a (your hobby goes here) centre or group ahead of time and get right into it. This can serve as an anchor. For example, find the local gym, dance class, knitting circle etc.
-buy a computer and webcam for your parents or loved ones and download the skype program. Show them how to use it. Set up the program on your PC.
-Find a radio station for your new locale via the internet. Start tuning into their net radio programs so you can start to get a feel of the new place.

-Read local news from both old and new locations.
-video-chat via Skype with friends and family on a regular basis.
-get out of your house and DO STUFF! This is how you can meet people. Whether its an exercise activity, religious service, interest group etc you need to meet people with shared interests.
-exercise and eat well. Moving = emotional upheaval = poor diet and exercise for many people. Don't let things get out of control. It's also a good opportunity to jump-start good lifestyle habits.
-Know thats its totally OK and normal to cry once in a while, and let yourself feel those emotions. If you want to cry, go somewhere private and cry. Keeping it bottled in will just make it worse, and make your life miserable. After you have a good cry, I promise you actually feel better.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by breechan
Hey there. I'm originally from Canada, but have lived on two other continents. Each time I've moved, there were hard times of course, but it was pretty seamless. Here are some tips:

-tie up loose ends with friends, family, co-workers or whatever.
-inventory your personal goods and throw out everything you haven't worn or used in 2 years. You will save big time on moving costs!
-pack some "emotional items" from home that will make you feel more at ease, such as a family heirloom or a favourite piece of art.
-get your packing done at least a week beforehand, you will need the extra time.
-Research your new location via the internet. Learn the layout of the location, the who's, where's and whats.
-Find a (your hobby goes here) centre or group ahead of time and get right into it. This can serve as an anchor. For example, find the local gym, dance class, knitting circle etc.
-buy a computer and webcam for your parents or loved ones and download the skype program. Show them how to use it. Set up the program on your PC.
-Find a radio station for your new locale via the internet. Start tuning into their net radio programs so you can start to get a feel of the new place.

-Read local news from both old and new locations.
-video-chat via Skype with friends and family on a regular basis.
-get out of your house and DO STUFF! This is how you can meet people. Whether its an exercise activity, religious service, interest group etc you need to meet people with shared interests.
-exercise and eat well. Moving = emotional upheaval = poor diet and exercise for many people. Don't let things get out of control. It's also a good opportunity to jump-start good lifestyle habits.
-Know thats its totally OK and normal to cry once in a while, and let yourself feel those emotions. If you want to cry, go somewhere private and cry. Keeping it bottled in will just make it worse, and make your life miserable. After you have a good cry, I promise you actually feel better.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate.

Thank you so much for your help- you had some great ideas I probably wouldn't have thought of.

My mom and dad softened the blow a little bit by telling me that I had a ticket home for the weekend whenever I was lonely, so that definitely helped.


Well-known member
I moved from Colorado to Chicago two years prior and had never lived anywhere else. My family and friends are all there and my husband and I left for city life and this great new spa job. I have to be honest and say that I was NOT prepared. I didn't pack a thing until the last minute. My husband and I went on our honeymoon and two days after coming back I said goodbye to friends, threw my bathroom and closet into my car, grabbed my mom and headed out to the city leaving my husband to pack the apartment to come out a month later. It was my job to get the Chicago apartment in the four days I had with my mom. My husband and I moved in together with a couple carloads of stuff, so I didn't think moving it would be an issue. Over $1000 later for the moving van, over 100 boxes, and loads of time and stress packing up our apartment with his mom and my mom, he got here. I'm on my second move this coming fall and this time we are on the ball. BE PREPARED!!