Re: Pre-pre-diabetic at 14 years old...
Hi there! I don't know where you are with your goals. I would like to offer you my support and tools to help you.
Kitchenware online at Shop for small appliances, cookware, cutlery, bakeware, tableware, and more plus find recipes., you can find the Diabetes Management System by Readers Digest. In this system, you will receive the following: 1. Welcome book, 2. Dining out guide, 3. Weekly shopping list, 4. Supplement guide, 5. Healthy Kitchen poster & 6. the Personal Planner. All of this costs $11.86. Now, you will need to add shipping to that total.
You mentioned that you have difficulty remembering to write things down, so that's why I am mentioning this system. The Planner is great for that purpose. You just circle and check off the section in "What I ate today". In taking charge of your health section, you will just check off the eat, move, choose, and rate your attitude today boxes everyday. There is a section to add what you feel were your successes & confessions. I like there is a section to circle how many times I eat out of boredom, stress, or habit. This helps identify problem areas.
Also, you mentioned something in regard to cooking issues. Cooking is an art that can be acquired. There are easy diabetes cookbooks. One that I like a few recipes is titled,
America's Best Cookbook for Kids with Diabetes. You could probably check out a few books from your local library that you would like even better than this suggestion.
Now, you may be thinking - "I am not diabetic. I am Pre-diabetic". My physician treats those demonstrating as Pre-diabetic in the same light as those with the condition. You would go to a diabetic teaching classes. This would include seeing a nutritionist about your diet. The diet is a healthy one and not a real mystery.
I don't know what your Mom's exercise program is, but you two could motivate each other with that situation. The two of you could become a great support system.
Ultimately, your body is totally dependent on you like a helpless infant. It depends on you daily to provide it with the best care that you can. It's the most precious thing you will ever possess.