Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I can't think of a word or phrase for it, but I read several boards about certain "famous" people or TV shows. The second that person makes it known s/he is reading the boards, the conversation goes sycophantic even if there were fair and valid criticisms of the person. It's really amazing. I don't believe people should be heartless and write cruel things for fun, but I really hate how good conversation is destroyed when people know that their words aren't going unnoticed by the person of the topic.
Crazy fans. You can write a fair and valid critique of a person and they'll jump all over you like you called their idol a pedophile. It's kind of scary.
That two-faced behaviour/mindless worship annoys the hell out of me too – and not just because it is patronising that they treat that person who is as much of a human being as them, as someone who can do no wrong. It’s actually the opposite problem on a musician’s board I venture on (the only other board I go on). The musician does something that is shitty if done on purpose (which tripping over on stage and smashing a glass with your fall, thus making glass fall close to the crowd is a complete accident), but not the end of the world and people act like he’s instigated Armageddon! Have these people been
that molly-coddled?
To this I add: people that don’t resolve issues when they happen, and continue to let it fester for far longer then the situation deserves. If something bothers you, get it off your chest in a mature manner at the time, or accept that it happened and let go of it – no one likes to have someone be passive aggressive or outwardly angry at them for something that was long forgotten on their side.
Also those that don't accept that by being human means we are not perfect, thus will make mistakes/do bad things/hurt people either intentionally or by accident from time to time. Also people that take something a complete stranger says (especially if it’s not about them, but a topic) to heart and are as upset and angry about it as they would be had a dear friend said it.
This gets my goat because the original poster probably meant it completely different to how it was read, wasn't meaning to insult/upset those that didn't share that belief or thought, was only sharing their personal opinion, is a stranger so therefore probably doesn't know whether something would upset you - and why.
People that read posts that rub them up the wrong way should IMO take a minute to consider the fact that the same sentence can be read dozens of different ways; you don’t get body language, vocal tone/volume etc that you would have had, had they been speaking to you face to face. Your interpretation of their text could be wrong, and you should ask them to clarify their comment rather than jump the gun.