Foundation Brush.....Or Not?


New member
Hello To All You Beautiful Ladies (And Some Gents Too!)

My Current Dillemma: Foundation Brush Or Not?
I have been using regular sponge applicators for many many moons, but cannot overlook the possibility of brushes. I don't think the coverage with my sponges is the best possible, overall, flawless finish. After using the MAC Liquid, I follow up with the small concealer for problem areas (shaped like eye shadow) and finish with the Studio Fix.....but it doesn't give me that beautiful complexion almost ALL the MAC Artists sport so casually, without looking completely caked on. Been there, done that, and hate to look like I put my foundation on with a butter, I know I have pretty good skin, but do the brushes seem to work better for you ladies? Or is there another method I'm completely overlooking. I'd appreciate any input!

Thank you!!!


I don't like using sponges because so much foundation gets soaked in the sponge and they're not that hygienic if you use the same one over and over and if you buy the disposables, that just seems wasteful to me. I think buying a foundation brush is a great investment, less product waste and a better finish--I have both the 190 and 187, they both work really well (but i prefer the 190 for liquid foundation and 187 for bronzers) So I definitely think a foundation brush is worth it. Also, For powder foundations, a sponge is horrible--foundation looks caked on and weird. I use the 182 buffer brush for powder and it works like a dream

Oh and just using my fingers to apply liquid foundation works well too (although with powder, i NEED a brush)


Well-known member
i use the mac #187 for liquid foundation b/c it allows u to regulate the thickness and it helps keep the natural look.

u just put a lil foundation on the back of ur hand, swirl the brush in it, and buff your face w/ circular motions, using only white layer if u press light or thick black layer if apply more pressure. u can layer on more layers if it is too thin and still get full coverage w/ a very natural look.

hope that helps!


Well-known member
i like using a foundation brush , i find my foundation goes on smoother and i get better coverage , also i find i can get more control. go threw alot less foundation!


Well-known member
From someone who so casually sports great foundation on notsogreat skin...(love you for that comment!) in four easy steps!
1. Get the brush.
2. Use the brush, love the brush, wash it a lot with shampoo and always lay it flat to dry.
3. Get a good powder brush, too... and stop using studio fix. It's a foundation. Use Blot or one of the non-metallic MSFs as your powder... buff lightly.
4. While you're at it, make sure you're happy with your blush and its placement. Most people put it under the cheeks like a contour - it should be on the cheek's apples.
That's about all there is to it... just remember to moisturize and exfoliate as well.
Hope this helps!!


New member
I totally reccommend getting a good foundation brush. It makes application so much easier and your foundation will last so much longer as a sponge soaks up a lot of product. With a brush it is also easier to get into those areas around the nose etc. Just remember to wash your brush out with warm soapy water or a proper brush cleanser - ideally you want to clean after each use to prevent bacteria spreading but at least once a week!

Also just put your foundation on areas where you need it most and take your time to blend it in. If you have an area where you require more coverage then you can place a small amount of foundation on that area and use a 'press and roll' kind of motion with the brush on that area - I find that this often eliminates the need for concealer and provides adequate concealing from the foundation. I hope this helps!


Well-known member
Honestly, it depends on what foundation you use.

Sponge can give you a flawless look without being too cakey, but it has to be a good sponge, otherwise it'll look crappy. I recommend Make Up Forever's Ellipse Sponge, it does wonders when I'm putting foundation on other people and if you take good care of it, it'll last you. It's a bit pricey though.

As for brushes, it also depends heavily on the quality of the brush and the technique employed, a bad brush with leave streaks all over the face, I think the best would be to buy one and experience with it a bit. I have both the MAC 187 and 190 and love 'em both and they both give me completely different finishes.


Well-known member
get that great w/ liquid foundation and like the other members have said, u'll use less foundation