Foundation help needed guys....


Active member
I'm very interested in the Face & body foundation - I've been tossing up between this one and Armani Hydra glow (so any reccomendations on which one to go with would be great too
I have been matched to NW20 in Mac Select spf and NW15 in Moistureblend by a MAC SA (neither of which I actually own) but being new to MAC foundations I am unsure which shade they translate to in F&B foundation?

I've read all the reviews on MUA and i'm also now a little confused as to what type of coverage etc it offers :confused: I have very clear skin, that is a little dry, with a little redness - So I can get away with reasonably light coverage but at the same time I also want a bit of coverage to even my skin tone. I'm also a little worried about it's "water like" consistency :confused: Is it really that runny that it's waterlike?

Basically i'm after this foundation to wear to formal-ish events like weddings and such where photos will be taken as i've heard this is good for photography. I'd also be powdering with a pigmented powder that has *some* please give me the lowdown and either talk me into this lemming, or vice versa.

Sorry it's so long guys


Well-known member
I honestly recomend studio fix fluid. It really is a nice foundation..face and body I have no experiance with, but love the SFF


Well-known member
agreed. studiofix fluid is the best thing to ever happen to my life. it took a couple applications to get it down, but now that i know what i'm doing, it looks amazing. make SURE you go get your skin matched, because the shading is off from what it normally is in MAC foundation shades. theres another thread on here that talks about perfect application of it..


Active member
Thanks for the recs so far guys, i'm a little worried about SFF though cause from what i've read it's quite matte? I'm fairly dry skinned and I also use a powder over my foundation already for a little extra coverage - Just worried SFF might be a bit drying? :confused:

How much coverage does this one offer? I'm going to have to take a lucky guess at the shade i'll need cause I don't live ANYWHERE near a counter

Anyone else offer any advice on Face & Body?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BreeB
Thanks for the recs so far guys, i'm a little worried about SFF though cause from what i've read it's quite matte? I'm fairly dry skinned and I also use a powder over my foundation already for a little extra coverage - Just worried SFF might be a bit drying? :confused:

How much coverage does this one offer? I'm going to have to take a lucky guess at the shade i'll need cause I don't live ANYWHERE near a counter

Anyone else offer any advice on Face & Body?

I have pretty dry skin around the lower part of my face, and when I used SFF, it made me look like I had wrinkes (and I don't, I'm still a teenager!!). So I returned it, and the MA said yeah, it could do that if you have dry skin. But really, everyone else seems to love the stuff... I still love my SF in powder form!


Well-known member
i have dry spots on my face but as long as you moisturize before putting on foundation i don't think you should have a problem. You can always ask for a free sample of studio fluid in your shade and test it out for yourself at home


Well-known member
Moved to Recs, but you can still search in MAC Chat for the various types of MAC foundations to get specific info on them.