Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I feel like perps are like lions in our society. They literally want to seek and destroy our youth.
Today, we have to be so politically correct with using not using the words "in God we Trust" or the ten commandments.
While I think being PC is lame at times, it comes along with part of what america is all about, freedom. It's seperates us from countries like Iran, and N.Korea and is the pillar upon which all of the values that people in America have are based on. When your in the business with dealing with diversity, PC is a necessity. You are however, allowed to be as un-PC as you want, in your own home, or if you want to risk it, in public.
The only people who think we should use, "In God We Trust" or the Ten Commandments, are Christians. While there are a lot of Christians in America, it's not the only religion. And a HUGE reason a lot of the puritans came to America at the start was to practice their religion in peace. While those words might have been appropriate when most of the country was Christian in one domination or another, it's not appropriate for the population who lives within our borders today. In order for everyone to practice their religion (or lack of one) in peace, we have to eliminate it from the government. You are however, free put those words above the entrance to your house, on a bumper sticker on your car, or on anything else you own. It's just not really proper for a government that represents people from probably every religion in the world, to use those words anymore.
How is it someone can give out instructions to others to seek and destroy the children? This offends me. Don't I have rights? After all, I am a victim of being molested as a child. I know the life long effects of what these crimes really do. The pain doesn't go away. |
note: I'm not in any way trivializing your expierences, and I'm truly sorry.
However, I think that if the instructions he was giving, were really putting children in danger (anymore than they realistically already are), the police would have already arrested him. Being offended over something isn't enough to take legal action against someone. And while you do have rights, so does he. Everyone is granted the same rights in America, and as long as he's not violating anyone elses rights, he's not doing anything legally wrong.
I do think however he's setting himself up for social isolation, and potentially vigilante action. I know if I saw him getting his ass kicked on the side of the street, I woulnd't call the police. I would look the other way, and go about my business.