freelancing for mac


Active member
i heard that you can freelance when they need extra help. you apply. have a small verbal interview and then have 30 minutes to recreate a look.

what could i expect from this "recreate a look" part? what should i work on before i decide to apply?


Well-known member
There are some great resources for this topic in the working for cosmetic retail thread here:

Working for Cosmetics Retailers - Specktra.Net

Hopefully that helps!!


Active member
how to start freelancing (what do i need to do?)

i went to my mac counter and was complimented on my make up skills (which totally made my day) now this doesnt mean i'm skilled enough to do make up just yet. but i spoke with the MA about possibly freelancing and he said it starts off with the app, a verbal interview, and 30 min to recreate a look.

what can i expect with the interview and the recreation? is it something reasonable or extreme?

i just am hoping for some tips.



Well-known member
Re: how to start freelancing (what do i need to do?)

I'd start by setting a few hours aside to go through this ENTIRE subforum. I learned so much from doing that.

Different locations have different hiring processes, but they usually follow that general structure: application ->interview/demo -> hired?