Freelancing for MAC


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Re: Freelance/Mac

I know people who work for MAC as full time artists and still do freelance on the side, so I don't see why you couldn't.


Well-known member
Re: Freelance/Mac

Yes you can. The only thing you aren't allowed to do is work for another cosmetic reatiler like Ulta, Sephora or freelance for any other line. Gigs on the side are fine


Well-known member
I got hired as a mac freelance artist :)

I cannot even express how excited I am!!!!. I just wanted to share my story with the rest of you wonderful's an odd one btw. So back in april I was looking on craigslist for jobs, and I ended up seeing an ad for a mac counter around my way. I went into the counter and asked for an application. The next day I handed it in with my resume, and met with the manager...she seemed to like me and was really sweet and told me they would be in touch with me. Within a week, I was called in for an interview/demo. They told me to come in 2 weeks later and to bring a model. I went to the counter, only to find out that the job position was at the mac store (in the same mall)...knowing this made me even more nervous. When I got to the store all the MUAs complimented my make up and were really nice to me so I got over my nerves. I was told to do a pin up look, with just red lipstick, lip liner and gloss, and of course the signature cat liner. The guy who was observing me said he loved it and was just very quick about it, and told me they would be in touch with me. Time passed by and noo word...
. Obviously I wasn't hired, so I got over it kept looking for work, and no luck. Last week I was in need of a new foundation, so after months of being on a no buy (due to my finances, hah) I finally went back to the mac store and bought myself a new foundation. The manager who interviewed me recognized me and told me she didn't know what happened, and asked me if i was still interested and i said of course! She said she would be in touch with me and asked me if I would be interested in doing a demo again, i said sure...but honestly I didnt wanna deal with it. So she called me sunday, asked me to come in today to fill in some paperwork...i figured it would be the application to go through the interview process again. So I went in today and I was hired on the spot!!!!!
. I am sooo excited. I just really wanted to share my story to let you girls know to never be discourage and if you don't get the job the first time, try again. Don't give up girls <333


Well-known member
Re: I got hired as a mac freelance artist :)

Congrats!! I am so happy for you and so happy that MAC is hiring and putting more talented people out there...


Well-known member
Re: I got hired as a mac freelance artist :)

Congrats!!! im would be so nervous to apply at mac much less do a demo for them


Well-known member
Re: I got hired as a mac freelance artist :)

congrats!! when i went to the mac counter to ask for an application, they said just to give them my resume and they didn't have applications. this happened at several mac counters. does this depends on the region?


Well-known member
Re: I got hired as a mac freelance artist :)

Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
congrats!! when i went to the mac counter to ask for an application, they said just to give them my resume and they didn't have applications. this happened at several mac counters. does this depends on the region?

Im not sure, I work here i Hawai'i and was given a application and told to bring it back with my portfolio....


Well-known member
Re: I got hired as a mac freelance artist :)

Originally Posted by Sushi~Flower
Im not sure, I work here i Hawai'i and was given a application and told to bring it back with my portfolio....

Me too. When I first applied I knew they had applications cause the ad said...'come in and ask for application'. Then when I signed all the offical employee paper work, the manager made me fill out a new application. Maybe it's cause the counters aren't officially hiring at the moment?
. But it's a good thing that they have your resume, so they'll take you into consideration. It might be just around my way, but my manager told me they are looking into freelancers around this time again because of the holiday season coming up, so you will probably get called.


Well-known member
Re: I got hired as a mac freelance artist :)

thats awesome! I was thinking about applying at the MAC counter near me. I don't have any experience as a makeup artist though. I was told by someone that didn't matter???? is that true?? I posted a thread today asking for help on how to apply to MAC and if I needed experience, etc. Any advice you have to give would be much appreciated and very helpful!


Well-known member
Re: I got hired as a mac freelance artist :)

That's a really positive story for you! Congrats!

See, buying makeup pays off
Aren't you glad you went to buy foundation


Well-known member
Re: I got hired as a mac freelance artist :)

Originally Posted by MaskedBeauty
thats awesome! I was thinking about applying at the MAC counter near me. I don't have any experience as a makeup artist though. I was told by someone that didn't matter???? is that true?? I posted a thread today asking for help on how to apply to MAC and if I needed experience, etc. Any advice you have to give would be much appreciated and very helpful!

. I starting getting into make up about two years ago, kept practicing. People started asking me to do their make-up. Did a couple of proms, sweet sixteens, and what not. You may not need a ton of experience as a make up artist, but they definitly want to see that you know how to apply make up well on another person, this is the purpose of the demo. I don't have any retail experience, but I still got the I would say above all skills & confidence are everything. Just prove that you can apply any look that they ask you for. They also questioned me about the products, so product knowledge is definitly a plus. Also, always go in with your make up on point


Well-known member
Re: I got hired as a mac freelance artist :)

Congrats. I just got hire yesterday as a freelance for MAC. I am so excited.

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