Freelancing for MAC


Well-known member
Re: Got hired as a freelancer.. but so frustrated.

that is amazing
good things come to those who wait ( and are persistant lol )


Well-known member
Re: Got hired as a freelancer.. but so frustrated.

That's awesome, congrats! Good for you for being persistant!


Well-known member
Re: Got hired as a freelancer.. but so frustrated.

go girl!! you deserve it!!!

let us know about your first day!


Well-known member
Re: Got hired as a freelancer.. but so frustrated.

Wow! It seems like fate that you talked to the right person!


Well-known member
Re: Got hired as a freelancer.. but so frustrated.

It's a process! I went through the first of 4 interviews back in July...I was offered a position after the 3rd but asked to interview for the MAC Store as well, interview #4. I was hired in August and had to wait for my SSC to come in ( my original was lord knows where ) So I signed the paperwork the first of September . My first day of work will be next weekend, Nov.15th! It's been a roller coaster of events, but like you I could not wait to get started. Some things are worth the wait

Congrats on your job!


Well-known member
Re: Got hired as a freelancer.. but so frustrated.

yay! I needed another happy story today! great way to start the weekend.


Well-known member
Re: Got hired as a freelancer.. but so frustrated.

Thank you guys SO MUCH!
I'm still uber excited today, lol. I go to sign my paperwork this evening. I wanna get the manager a little gift because she SO didn't have to do what she did; she could have just listened to my little story and say, 'So sad, too bad, I'll take your app and call you if I'm interested.'

It's so funny, I'm excited about going to sign my paperwork like it's my actual first day of work, LOL! I'm like oh gosh, what do I wear?? How do I do my makeup?!?
Re: Got hired as a freelancer.. but so frustrated.

I'm like brand new here, so I apologize if I'm doing this post wrong. But anyways, that's so awesome about being hired on at MAC!!! Congratulations doll, I'd be super excited too. LOL I was overly excited and planning my outfit and makeup for when I just dropped my resume off. I've been wanting to work for MAC ever since I was 16 (I'm 21 now) and I finally got an interview with them as a Freelancer in a few weeks. I've been reading up on everyone's posts about their interview process and now I'm getting a little worried. I see that MAC is more into retail experience and technically, I have zero (which I told them when I first dropped my Resume off). I pretty much jumped right into freelancing on my own the minute I was out of highschool. What I do have is a few years of professional independent freelancing and a whole lot of certifications from makeup school. I am pretty confident in being able to sell their product though. 1. because I know A LOT about it, 2. because I personally believe in all of MAC's products and am very passionate about them, 3. because I have lurked around at many MAC stores and studied up on how the pros sell LOL and 4. because everytime I talk to someone about makeup and start listing products, I'm always told that I completely sold them on whatever I'm talking about and they ask me to write a list of what they need to buy. But I'm wondering if those will even give me a fighting chance to be hired on as a freelance artist? I'd totally appreciate anyones input! Thanks to anyone who bothered reading this =D


Well-known member
Re: Got hired as a freelancer.. but so frustrated.

Originally Posted by MakeupJunkie88
I'm like brand new here, so I apologize if I'm doing this post wrong. But anyways, that's so awesome about being hired on at MAC!!! Congratulations doll, I'd be super excited too. LOL I was overly excited and planning my outfit and makeup for when I just dropped my resume off. I've been wanting to work for MAC ever since I was 16 (I'm 21 now) and I finally got an interview with them as a Freelancer in a few weeks. I've been reading up on everyone's posts about their interview process and now I'm getting a little worried. I see that MAC is more into retail experience and technically, I have zero (which I told them when I first dropped my Resume off). I pretty much jumped right into freelancing on my own the minute I was out of highschool. What I do have is a few years of professional independent freelancing and a whole lot of certifications from makeup school. I am pretty confident in being able to sell their product though. 1. because I know A LOT about it, 2. because I personally believe in all of MAC's products and am very passionate about them, 3. because I have lurked around at many MAC stores and studied up on how the pros sell LOL and 4. because everytime I talk to someone about makeup and start listing products, I'm always told that I completely sold them on whatever I'm talking about and they ask me to write a list of what they need to buy. But I'm wondering if those will even give me a fighting chance to be hired on as a freelance artist? I'd totally appreciate anyones input! Thanks to anyone who bothered reading this =D

I got hired and I had nooo retail experiance at all. The only jobs i've had were waitress jobs. Make sure you let them know you have product knowledge and also make sure ur make up is on point!
Re: Got hired as a freelancer.. but so frustrated.

Thank you so much for the input! I really appreciate it. I'm so nervous about my interview. I want it so bad! Since you've already been hired as a freelancer, do you mind if I ask you a few questions? Do freelancers have to be trained? I heard from one person that freelancers are sent to training and then another person told me that basic training is only for counter or store employees. Would you happen to know if I need to or should bring my own brushes? I'm sorry for buggin ya with all the questions!


Well-known member
Re: Got hired as a freelancer.. but so frustrated.

No prob! Don't be nervous at all hunn, when I went for my interview/demo, I wasn't nervous because for some reason I felt really comfortable, the manager was really cool and just asked me questions like..what is your favorite product, eye shadow, how would you sell more items?. Really easy questions if you ask me. Just be yourself and don't worry. Moving on, I wasn't first day was They will literally throw u in and expect you to know lie. I walked in and my manager and the other grls were busy doing make overs, and I had to help out the customers, trying on make up on them, and I even did 2 make overs that day. I never went to basic training, from what I know that's only for the perm employees, this one grl at work whos perm went a few weeks back and I was never told anything about it only for perm employees. As far as brushes go, I don't bring my own, the store I work in has a lot of brushes in the back and when I go in to work, I just grab a belt and load it up
. I've recently started working at another counter as well, and as soon as I got there, the manager gave me a brush belt which was fully loaded with tons of brushes. HTH, good luck girl <3


Well-known member
Re: Got hired as a freelancer.. but so frustrated.

Originally Posted by Kels823
Thank you guys SO MUCH!
I'm still uber excited today, lol. I go to sign my paperwork this evening. I wanna get the manager a little gift because she SO didn't have to do what she did; she could have just listened to my little story and say, 'So sad, too bad, I'll take your app and call you if I'm interested.'

It's so funny, I'm excited about going to sign my paperwork like it's my actual first day of work, LOL! I'm like oh gosh, what do I wear?? How do I do my makeup?!?

It really is great that the manager took the time to look into it for you... I bet she'll be great to work with! And the fact that she remembered you shows that you really stood out... good for you

Haha I don't blame you for being so excited... signing the paperwork is like "sealing the deal". Please keep us posted on how things go!


Well-known member
Re: Do MAC freelancers get the same treatment?

As a freelancer, you don't get any type of training. You get shown around the location where you will work for the day, but not much more. Occassionally with big launches they will send you to a one day training but thats rare.


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