Freelancing for MAC


thank you girls SOOOOO much for all your help! my anxiety level has decreased tremendously, and I actually had a super good day at work on Saturday.
you all are awesome. Thank you!


... and oh, excuse me for being terribly annoying, but I just want to make sure I'm super clear on this, so I don't waste a trip to Berkeley.
If I'm a freelance artist, and I go to the freestanding store in Berkeley (CA), I can get a discount? As long as I have my paystub and my id? and it's 40%?
(....Cause I'm thinking about going down there on Sunday... and I just want to make sure).


Well-known member
Estee Lauder discount given to freelancers is 30% off. And I have no idea if you'll be able to get the discount -- I was told by my freelance manager that I do not get the 30% off, but the asst. manager was under the impression that I am entitled to this discount. I'm not sure what to think, as I've heard that some regions don't give a discount...but if I went to the store with my paystub and ID, I wonder if the system would show that I am not entitled to the discount because of my region. Anyway yeah, I still don't know.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jette
... and oh, excuse me for being terribly annoying, but I just want to make sure I'm super clear on this, so I don't waste a trip to Berkeley.
If I'm a freelance artist, and I go to the freestanding store in Berkeley (CA), I can get a discount? As long as I have my paystub and my id? and it's 40%?
(....Cause I'm thinking about going down there on Sunday... and I just want to make sure).

No, you won't be able to get the 40% off. That is the Pro Discount. You would need to apply with 2 forms of proof. It takes a little bit of time to get that discount. Check the FAQs on here for more information on the Pro Card stuff though.
The only discount you would possibly be able to get right away would be the Estee Lauder Employee discount (30%), but not all stores/regions offer this. I would say to call the store that you plan on going to & asking if they give freelancers this you dan't make the trip for nothing.


Well-known member
I definitely understand! My first two days were during the Lure event back in June. I thought I knew MAC like the back of my hand, until I was actually working there with my brush belt on. I was horrified! I was clueless, had NO CLUE ABOUT FOUNDATIONS TO SAVE MY LIFE and forgot little selling essentials that could have got me in trouble. Not to mention there were only 6 brushes for me to use lol. But on my 3rd day (a month later lol) it was much much easier.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lilchocolatema
I definitely understand! My first two days were during the Lure event back in June. I thought I knew MAC like the back of my hand, until I was actually working there with my brush belt on. I was horrified! I was clueless, had NO CLUE ABOUT FOUNDATIONS TO SAVE MY LIFE and forgot little selling essentials that could have got me in trouble. Not to mention there were only 6 brushes for me to use lol. But on my 3rd day (a month later lol) it was much much easier.

Trial by every time!!


Well-known member
freelance makeup artist

what do i need to in order to become a freelance makeup artist??? do ineed to be hired by a mac counter first - etc -? do i need to be trained???


Well-known member
you need to apply in a mac store, and write on the application that you are applying for a freelancing position
freelancers in some regions get update training but never have gotten basic training, so in general educating yourself on the products is your own responsibility
makeup/cosmetology licensing policies may vary by state but i know in maryland you must have your makeup license/cosmetology license in order to work for mac
right now, they arent very strict on this aspect but nordstrom especially is starting to check to see that freelancers are licensed some how


Well-known member
thanks so i need to b licensed???

another questioon- what kind of makeup do i neeed on hand. for example foundation?? do i need lots of different colored foundation?


Well-known member
Do you want to be a freelance retail artist (that works at MAC, or another line, on an "on call" basis)

or do you want to be a freelance makeup artist (one that does photoshoots/runway shows/tv/movies/etc)?

If it's the retail artist, you need to follow Sarah's advice and apply. (I believe MD is the only state that you need to be liscenced in to work retail, but check your own state laws)

If it's a true freelance artist, you need to start building up your kit...foundations, brushes, a wide variety of colors...once you get that, you can then check Craig's List or Model Mayhem or other places similar to that & begin to do photoshoots TFP/TFCD (Time for prints/Time for CD) and build up your portfolio until you can start getting paid jobs.
This is A LOT of work, but once you're there, it's quite an amazing thing.
Training/liscensing (depending on your state) is not 100% necessary, but it definitely helps. Doing it on your own involves tons and tons of research, money, time, etc. Schooling still involves all of that, but you have people already working in the field giving you the tips & tricks & stuff...and it also gives you instant credibility.

Take a search through this section of the forum & do a google search for other MUA forums (real makeup artist forums, not necessairly just makeup enthusiasts) & you will probably get a few more answers.


Well-known member
All About Freelancers

How many days of work I expect each week? Are they 8-hour shifts? You can't survive off of a freelance job alone, where else would you work part-time to help pay bills?

Anything you know is helpful, I'm completely naive to the freelance world! Please explain!


Well-known member
Re: All About Freelancers

Sorry you didn't get the answers you were looking for before the interview, but how did it go?


Well-known member
Re: All About Freelancers

It went great; I got it!!!!!!! It's a GREAT hourly rate, too; I just don't know how much I'll get to work.

Here's how it went down:

My interviewer had me "go fishing" for a customer, and luckily, one just walked right up to me and asked for a makeover. She said she wasn't really expecting to buy anything, and I said that was totally fine. I did all skincare, color matched her, put on her face and did full color. I think it took about 40 minutes. I taught her everything I knew and we connected really well. All the counter girls and my interviewer were really impressed with the outcome. The lady ended up making a four item purchase, and said she would come back for more soon. She loved everything! She is switching over to Prescriptives from MAC, haha. Her skin looked fantastic, and we sent her home with samples of moisturizer, super line preventor, and foundation so she can try everything out at home.

I still want to know:

-Are freelance shifts usually 8 hours long or longer/shorter?

-Approx. how many days do they work each week?

-Which days of the week are usually assigned?

-How far is the region of travel? Is it usually just one big city (Like San Diego only) Or is it two big cities like San Diego and Orange county together?

-Are freelancers paid for gas/travel time or is that an out-of-pocket expense?

-How far in advance do they get their assignment notices?

-To pay bills, it seems like you would have to take on at LEAST another part-time job. Where is a good place to do that?


Well-known member
Re: All About Freelancers

-Are freelance shifts usually 8 hours long or longer/shorter?

Depends on the location/staff needs...I have worked 8 hours shifts (at the PRO store) and as little as 3 hour shifts at the counters (which works perfectly fine for me)

-Approx. how many days do they work each week?

Depending on how many counters/stores you rotate, y ou cane nd up working pretty much every day.

-Which days of the week are usually assigned?

Every might need to fill in for someone who called out, or work an event. Again, depends on the counter/store staffing needs.

-How far is the region of travel? Is it usually just one big city (Like San Diego only) Or is it two big cities like San Diego and Orange county together?

As far as you want to travel.

-Are freelancers paid for gas/travel time or is that an out-of-pocket expense?

No...that's on your dime (which is why I don't take far-away jobs)

-How far in advance do they get their assignment notices?

It varies...I have been booked months in advance, or called to come in in 1 hour...flexibility is KEY to getting regular work.

-To pay bills, it seems like you would have to take on at LEAST another
part-time job. Where is a good place to do that

That depends on what your skills are...I go to school and take care of my kids, so freelancing 6-15 hours per week is all I do (plus my wedding gigs on the side)...sorry I wasn't much help there!


Well-known member
Re: All About Freelancers

I'm confused...are you talking about freelancing with a specific line, or freelance work in general-shoots & shows & stuff?

Or am I just a moron & missed that part?


Well-known member
Re: All About Freelancers

LOL< it's with Prescriptives. I think I wrote it at the top of the first post at first but I deleted it for some reason.


Well-known member
freelancer question

do freelance/ on-call MUA for MAC get any kind of gratis? or do they just create their looks without getting the newest collections? ive always wondered that. hahaha

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