Freelancing for MAC


Well-known member
Re: I'm sooo confused (freelancing questions)

Whew.. ok..

Freelancing, the store/counter you get hired by is your 'home store' meaning, they get first dibs on your time and availablitiy. If they haven't called you and another spot has, you can freelance for them. That's not a problem.

As far as perm positions, Nordstrom has a deal with MAC. They want to manage the employees, so when you work for MAC, your paycheck will come from Nordstrom, but you are still a MAC artist, to me there is NO DIFFERENCE. You go to the same training and everything. I was treated no different. *shrug* When you work for Macy's, Bloomies, and the stores, your paycheck comes from MAC.

IMO - Always fill out your paper work for apply to MAC with MAC. Sometimes, HR departments within Nords don't let them know someone interested. MAC can place you in a Nordstrom or where ever there is an available spot.


Well-known member
Re: Freelancing

That was very useful. Thank you miinx! Do you happen to know how freelancing for Smashbox works? I'm curious since that brand comes second to my love for MAC
Going from freelancing to permanent?

I'm currently a freelancer/on-call and I have an interview tonight for a perm. position at a counter.
I'm just wondering what the process is going from one to another. Other than the face to face; will I have to do another demo for the manager or something?

Thanks fo any info!


Well-known member
Re: Going from freelancing to permanent?

When I went freelance to permanent my manager just offered me the position. I had an "interview" with my SRM, but it was more like a formality & to put my career goals out there to her.

Every person is different though. I know one freelancer who interviewed 3 times & didn't get the position, but then one day she walked in & they gave her a spot.

Just make sure to let your managers & co-workers know that you want to be permanent...and show them through your actions at the counter as well.


Active member
Re: Freelancing

Smashbox is roughly the same as she described Bobbi. I auditioned for a freelance position with Bobbi, but you need to be a REALLY aggressive seller. They come in for events, and its a whole different team. Sorta have to work your way up, or have been a really good seller for another company and then want to change companies.They will allow you to freelance for other companies, and its sorta on-call, I think they work less than MAC does.


Well-known member
Re: Freelancing

for smashbox it depends on your region & the account execitive and if they need freelancers. since it is a smaller line the events aren't on the same scale as a MAC or Bobbi. when i booked the BOL event for nordstrom in december i had one national artist, my area trainer, and one freelancer, who is actually a "permenant" freelancer for my counter and area. but you should look in to laura meircer, lancome, clinque, and chanel, alot of times they are really good with hours & have random freelance work. most freelance work is between september and december because that is the busiest time of year for retail. and it is rarely ever steady like my girl. but if you book with different lines for different events and times it can become sorta steady. its also a good way to network.

if i didnt need a steady job i would just freelance & do bridal on the side because i don't have to worry about health insurance. i know a freelancer for MAC that does that, and she loves it!


Well-known member
Freelance Make-up Service

I've been working part-time as a beauty consultant close to 2 years now with La Mer, Dior, Benefit, Clinique and Giorgio Armani under my belt. The pay's definitely good but I can't really keep up with college so I was thinking, start my own little business. A freelance make-up service mainly catering to the students at my college.

However, I do not have a professional make-up artist qualification and I'm not superbly amazing with make up. On the plus side, I've gotten quite a boost in confidence when I occasionally get paid in cash volunteerily(sp) by customers for my make-up service over the counter just because they like the make-up I've done. Or customers who buy all the colours that I've used on them and they like the look. Things like that. I did consider taking up a course but I can't afford it.

Here's my plan: I'm thinking of charging like 25% of the regular freelance market rate. Doing it either at my condo (which is near the college) or house calls with additional charges. Perhaps a mini facial (basics plus scrub and mask) for an additional fee.

so, what do you think? any suggestions would be much appreciated. I'm just worried that it'll seems like I'm cheating my customers. Even working at the counter sometimes, I have some customers who wouldn't even look at me when I tell them that I'm not a pro.
I think I can do a decent job but I don't have the papers.


Well-known member
Re: Freelance Make-up Service

you don't need to be a "pro" to do freelance work. it sounds like people like what you do and you must have some talent if you can make sales and tips outta the deal!
besides you'll get better the more you do it and make some cash on the side. i don't have a make-up license or anything and i do plenty of work on the side, just believe in yourself and enjoy it!

the one thing that helped me the most was making up my own business cards, that way people can talk to you directly.

it sounds like you got a good plan! good luck!


Well-known member
Re: Freelance Make-up Service

I don't know how it is in Malaysia, but states regulate it in the US. I know in my state that you can not legally give someone a facial (for hire) without being certified. Makeup services (outside of counter-type settings) vary more based on the state, but skincare is almost always regulated.

Good luck, but make sure you check out your local laws.


Well-known member
Re: Freelance Make-up Service

alrighty! thanks for all your replies! But legal wise, I haven't heard anything of a license to do beauty unless it permanently alters the skin such as cosmetic surgery and such.

I plan to put up fliers in the girls' bathroom and such. I hope it'll work out! Thanks so much. if there are more suggestions on how to promote my service would be great. so far the only thing I can think off are fliers and a beauty blog. hmm...

oh, and usually I practice doing make-up at the counter. the so-called company policy requires a purchase of a certain amount before customers can qualify for a makeover. But usually I work alone and I get extremely bored so when I have walk-in customers asking about getting a makeover, I don't require them to purchase first and let them know that I'm not a pro. so, they'd let me experiment on them and if they like the result they'll either purchase what I've used on them or give me a token (which I usually reject since I'm not supposed to unless they thrush the money in my hand .lol).


Well-known member
Re: Freelance Make-up Service

hey there smellyocheese! you have a fab plan and i think you should go for it. it's funny that you doubt yourself, but just working at those big name companies speak volumes for you, even without a license. i'm soon to have a license and no real experience -- meaning counter, weddings, etc. i sometimes doubt myself, but there's nothing to it, but to do it... (i think i'll take that advice myself!) i think you should go for it! swell plan!


Well-known member
Re: Freelance Make-up Service

thanks for the encouragement
Although, the requirements to work at counters in Malaysia (except for MAC of course) isn't too strict. It's a lot about knowing the right people. But it was a good opportunity for me to learn how to interact with people as well as gain some knowledge in cosmetics. pretty cool actually

and good luck to you! I'm sure you'll do great. and yeah, there's nothing to it but to do it. we all learn by doing it. heh.


Well-known member
Re: How to start freelancing??

Whoo, jezus! As much as I want to be a MAC freelancer (and eventually perm) I don't know ow I feel about this brush thing. I ain't got enough money to buy like 20 brushes just for my job! I guess I'll have to. *ssigh*

Oh and we don't have to have out own MAC products to bring. We can just use the testers on the people right? I'm sure we do but I'm confused now! Thank ya


Well-known member
Re: How to start freelancing??

since somebody bought up nordstrom and mac consider this:

nordstrom (at least in dallas, tx) considers full time 37.5 hours.

nordstrom allows you to cross sell- my mac artist can sell everything in the store. during the nordstrom anniversary sale i spent about $800 storewide and she got credit for the sales.

nordstrom also gives you the store discount.



Well-known member
Re: Freelance Make-up Service

smellyocheese hey i went to cosmetology school and one of my teachers actually worked on our state board (it's not exactly the same with makeup although i know some places do require you to be at least certfed before being allowed to touch someone's face and that a cosmetology license gives you thsi freedom) but anyway....
basically while in school, my teacher knew that a lot of us did services on the side and since this is illegal in my state w/o a license she said a good way around it is to not charge per say but to request a donation. Let your customers know in the salon or at the counter you would be charged $50 for this service but i am willing to do this for you for a donation of 25% of the standard fee. It might not be the same thing but she told us to say donation because if you do mess up and someone gets angry and reports you to the state board you will be prohibited from performing services for a period of time which could be months or permenantly, you can also get a huge fine, as well as be banned from getting properly licensed or have your license immediately suspended when you do get it.

IT might not be the same thing for makeup but i believe that this also includes those things that are covered under the cosmetology cirriculum Ie esthetics, nails, makeup.


Well-known member
Re: How to start freelancing??

I;m interested in freelancing, later in the year. I was just wondering, what do you other girls do as a full-time job, something within the industry or something completely different?


Well-known member
Re: How to start freelancing??

_ohmygosh, I was just going to ask a very similar question. I stopped into my MAC counter at Macy's yesterday and the MA had recognized me since I frequent the store a lot. Well, she suggested that I should apply to become a freelancer, and she explained to me that there's a verbal interview, then the makeover interview in which you bring a friend in and turn a daytime look into nighttime. She had also mentioned that with freelancing they call you on a Sunday and ask you for your availability for that coming week. The problem is that I am about to graduate and I am very hopeful in getting a 9-5 job with the company I am with right now, its in HR btw, so it doesn't leave me much time to work a second job. So that leaves me Sat. & Sun, but I would like some time off so I don't mind working 1 day [8hrs] if that is allowed. I am really looking forward to become a freelancer if everything works out with my fulltime jobs and concerns by the end of May.

- I am curious to as are there any Specktras who work in a different industry fulltime, and as a freelancer on the side?
- How well do you manage it and how many hours do you work?
- I am also curious as to how the compensation is for a freelancer, I know that it is a sensitive topic to discuss but if you can share with me my email is, but if you cannot provide the specifics I hope you can indicate if it is indeed over min. wage =]
- What are some of the benefits for working at MAC as a freelancer besides the great atmosphere?
- I'm from the NYC area, is there a specified amount of hours a freelancer needs to work, I can only provide 8 hrs

I'm just worried that I go through the process and find out that I won't be able to provide a specified amt. of time. I hope my questions can be answered and thank you in advanced!!

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