French Nails = Slutty?


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I've been getting my nails done for years now and I've worn them from short to medium length to long. Right now I'm back at medium length. While I worked in a coporate environment I would keep them short and either polish them a lite color or get a french mani...the funny thing is that nobody liked it. My family, my boyfriend at the time, the lady that did my nails, not even my boss lol. Nobody!! Everyone said my nails didn't match my personality
. Like someone else said people shouldn't judge.

Where I work now the bosses don't care as long as we get the job done. People judge me and assume I'm uneducated and are rude but then they have to come right back to me to get their computer working right
. lol I love the look on their faces


Well-known member
I think French manicures are cute, but the whole "french Pedicure" thing is gross IMO , they make your toenails look long.


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Originally Posted by Shimmer
No. You know what men think about? The fact they're actually GETTING some ass


Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I think French manicures are cute, but the whole "french Pedicure" thing is gross IMO , they make your toenails look long.

I never understood the whole getting a french manicure on your tootsies. Getting a pedicure, sure that's cool. Whatever floats your boat. But a french manicure? It's like those people who get acrylics on their toes. It just seems like a waste of money to me...and looks odd, imo.


Well-known member
what the? I think a nice french manicure on nails that aren't too long is very classy... and in a corporate environment it polishes your look even more. it's basically a YNBB (your nails but better) mani.

i read this somewhere and i think it holds true though - a french mani will look very trashy if the white tip is longer than the natural (pink) part of the nail. having seen a chick i work with who recently got her nails done and the white part is waaaay longer than the natural bit... yep, trashy look. it just looks wrong.

when it comes to nails, i don't think that a particular colour worn on the nails will make them look trashy. it's when you combine it with other things in your outfit and look that can make it trash.

super long nails always look a bit bizarre to me as well.


Well-known member
Long obvious fake acrylic nails maybe, but no way will a set of short, cute french tips ever look slutty. why would they call them 'french' if they werent classy LOL


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I don't really see how nails can be slutty. They can be TACKY, like if you have those really long dragon nails, but slutty? IDK.


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Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
What I think is trashy is young girls in middle/high school with acrylics on all year.

I'm curious as to why that's trashy?


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Originally Posted by mello
I'm curious as to why that's trashy?

Me too. I wore acrylics from 10th grade up until my junior year in college. Got them done every 2 weeks like clockwork. If that's trashy...what about ladies who wear extensions, a ton of make-up or fake lashes? Isn't that the same thing? I'd hate for someone to label me trashy because of my face art aka make-up.


Well-known member
Unfortunately -- my own personal experience confirms this article. This is a LONG post, but I feel compelled to share my story in hopes of saving some other woman entering the professional world from my embarrassment.

I was a go-go dancer at a nightclub for several years in my younger days as a part time college job. Not a stripper -- but I have to admit, shamefully close to that. All the girls I danced with, including myself, always had acrylic french tips. Not super long ones, just your standard set. But it was as much a part of the uniform as the booty shorts and rhinestone bras.

The older and wiser me now works in a major law firm that has several female attorneys and partners. Not a single french manicure in sight -- acrylic or otherwise. The only exception is the receptionist, who I should add, also wears way too much frosty hot pink blush and is the only staff member without a college degree.

Now the embarrassing part. I was a bit of slow learner and continued sporting my french tips for the first few months of work. One day, a senior female attorney who had become a mentor of sorts to me, presented me with a little gift bag. Inside was a bottle of a translucent pastel pink nail lacquer and a clipping from a recent fashion/society section of New York Magazine. (excepted in relevant portion below).

Traditionalists have sworn by Essie's Sugar Daddy hue for years. It's clean and natural, and it filled the void left by the long-abandoned French manicure (although you may spot a few holdovers on the subway).

I went to lunch with my mentor that same afternoon and asked her about my nails. She explained that french tips are not appropriate to wear in front of clients. And that french manicures, in general, are pretty much passe. I refused to believe this at first. I LOVE my beautiful french tips and thought they were oh so glam.

But then I started paying more attention to women's nails. If you look in any issue of vogue or any other fashion mag, NONE of the women pictured ever have french manicures. Celebrities in Hollywood never have french manicures either. I slowly realized that the only french manicures I ever saw anymore were worn by the saleswomen when I went shopping or the waitresses when I went out to dinner. In these circles, the white tips seem as popular as ever. But I never caught other businesswomen with french manicures. In fact, what high profile pubic figure, in fashion, politics, society, business, or otherwise has french nails? I can only think of three. Pamela Anderson, Victoria Beckam (though I know that Posh has weathered a lot of editorial criticism for this -- yet I admire her sense of independence) and Dolly Parton.

Around the same time that I finally realized it was time to give up my beloved french tips -- I was also newly married. My new husband's family is pretty embedded in the local professional society. My father-in-law is a partner in a land investment firm and my mother-in-law sits on the board of a large charitable foundation. As a result, my new husband began bringing me to lots of black tie social functions with his family. I was uncomfortable getting ready for my first formal function sans acrylics. My hands felt so naked and bland. On the car ride there, my husband took my hand was pleasantly surprised. He told me that he was so glad I got rid of "those nails" as his two sisters had always wanted to say something to me about them since they first met me, but that he wouldn't let them for fear of embarrassing me. Clearly, I was convinced.

My conclusion. French tips are totally acceptable for certain social circles, but definitely not for others. Though I have to disclaim that I'm in California and can't speak for the South (perhaps Miss Parton is totally in vouge with her hometown fashions...). Lastly, this is merely a trend, not a rule. There is nothing wrong with doing as Posh does and flashing high society the french-tipped-finger. I'm writing from the perspective of a young attorney and young wife, wanting to fit into her new professional and social environment.


Well-known member
I have Acrlyic Nails that have french polish on them, white on the tips and clear everywhere else. I've had them for many months and am in love with them. I keep them relatively short so they are suitable for daily life, and get them filled every two weeks.

I don't think they are slutty at all.
Nails are nails.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AfricanaEyes
Me too. I wore acrylics from 10th grade up until my junior year in college. Got them done every 2 weeks like clockwork. If that's trashy...what about ladies who wear extensions, a ton of make-up or fake lashes? Isn't that the same thing? I'd hate for someone to label me trashy because of my face art aka make-up.

Couldn't agree more.
You're exactly right.


Well-known member
Hmm... I *love* my pink + white gel solar nails!! I see a lot of reality tv stars with them. [Real Housewives of Orange County, the Hills...] But... Arg, I can't think of any other ones!


Well-known member
I think if they are short and not too long, and natural looking without nail art on top, it looks nice. Too long, not well maintained, weird shape or colour, and sparkly crap on too.....just looks cheap and tacky. I have natural nails tho because I think it's a waste of money, and my nails are already pretty nice.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I think if they are short and not too long, and natural looking without nail art on top, it looks nice. Too long, not well maintained, weird shape or colour, and sparkly crap on too.....just looks cheap and tacky. I have natural nails tho because I think it's a waste of money, and my nails are already pretty nice. nails are long enough, and when i dont have to work a lot i do them up pretty and people sometimes ask if they are fake...but they arent...

i just have to remember to actually cut them otherwise they get in the way a lot (although thats usually how I remember to cut them...)


Well-known member
I work in the non profit world and it seems ALL my bosses and managers have french manicures.


Well-known member
Hmmm.. All the professional girls I know (mostly secretaries for their dad's company or that kinda thing) at my highschool have french tips. I think they look really nice, and they always look so put together going to work and such. They have the gel kind (I think thats the big thing here) and it looks very nice and natural.

Though my mom gets longer acrylic ones and they cool nice, but sometimes she gets them too long and it's a lil tacky. But my dad likes them long, haha.

I'm not sure. I'll stick with short natural red nails.


Well-known member
As a manicurist, I have to step up and say, I have not seen any waning on French manicures. They remain popular because they are colors that mostly mimic and enhance the natural colors of our nailbeds and free edges. I get women in everyday who are slightly disappointed because they feel they their nails aren't long enough for French. This is so much like the LV argument. Many people will say LV bags are tacky and overrated, but an overwhelming number will also say they are timeless and classic. I have to agree with that number. Long live French----in reasonable lengths, ofcourse.

Oh, and hunnybun, the thing about that article.......Essie's Sugar Daddy has not been around for that many years, probably about 4 or so, which is nothing on colors like OPI's "Coney Island Cotton Candy" and other soft pinks. Maybe they meant "Madamoiselle". Either way, I disagree.

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