Friendly's....Did I just hear that???


Well-known member
Usually I just mute commercials on TV (unless they look funny, then I'll turn the sound on). Well the other day I was halfway paying attention to the TV when a commercial for a restaurant called Friendly's was on. I swear I heard them say that they have a dessert called the "Happy Ending" sundae?!? Did I hear that right? Does anyone know if that is true? If so, Friendlys....ewwww. Tell me I heard that wrong.


Well-known member
Must be one HELL of a sundae!!!


Well-known member
Seriously. Did I hear that right? I mean, that is sick as hell if I did. I am really dying to know if it is called that.

Hey...ewwww. That's not whipped cream!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Friendly's is a restaurant that's been in existence for a while.

And yes, they do have a "Happy Endings" sundae. During my childhood, when a cigar could just be a cigar, I loved those things.


Well-known member
I'm just guessing what a "happy ending" is because here, it's really just a happy ending. Slang is so regional sometimes lol.


Well-known member
A happy ending is what a guy might get if he went to a less than reputable massage parlor. I am not saying licensed massage therapist here, I am saying dirty, questionable "massage" parlor.

Damn, I don't want that anywhere near my sundae!


Well-known member
hahaha oh god.. that can't be good.
"are you ready to order sir?"
"umm yes, can i get a happy ending? extra cream with that please."


Well-known member
There are tons of Friendly's around here and.. yes, you can get a happy ending sundae. They come with meal specials sometimes and when you don't want your ice cream at the end of your meal, they give you a sticker for the next time you come back. The sticker says, "I am here for my free happy ending sundae." I'm not sure if they still do that but, its a real big family friendly, bring the softball team to get dinner and ice cream kinda place. And, the food isn't all THAT bad!


Well-known member
isnt it great when you get commercials for places that arent even anywhere in your town , or the surrounding citys? I get "Sonic" Commercials here all the time.. The nearest sonic is like 4 hours away. haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
isnt it great when you get commercials for places that arent even anywhere in your town , or the surrounding citys? I get "Sonic" Commercials here all the time.. The nearest sonic is like 4 hours away. haha

LOL, I get those too! I see these Sonic commercials, or hear about how they have a drink area that lets you customize any kind of drink you want, and I'm all "MAN, I WANNA GO," and then I find out the closest one is in Anaheim.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
A happy ending is what a guy might get if he went to a less than reputable massage parlor. I am not saying licensed massage therapist here, I am saying dirty, questionable "massage" parlor.

Damn, I don't want that anywhere near my sundae!

Women get these too. They can go to "massage parlors" that have men massusues (sp?) that give "happy endings" No, I have never been to one. Get your mind out of the gutter!