Friends treating Friends badly..


Well-known member
honestly, i don't think you should offer infinite chances to this girl. sometimes, i think it's better to cut your losses and move on.

i had this friend one time, moved her in with me while she was "between jobs" and paid all her bills. i was dating a guy at the time who ended up doing really awful things to me, and i was having a tough time dealing with it...i expected that she would have my back because she knew exactly what he did. i came home from work one day to find that she was sleeping with him at his place. i was so unbelievably pissed it took me months and months to forgive her.

after thinking about it alot, i realized that it wasn't all her fault. she had shown me many times in the past that she would not hesitate to use my hardships to her advantage, she demonstrated plenty of times in the past that she'd put a piece of ass over even her "best" friends. i made the mistake of believing her when she said she'd changed.

in the end, i realized also that she was never really a good friend anyway. just like this girl sounds like she isn't. some people just are not worth the hassle. that's good of you that you opened your home to her, and someday karma will repay you for your good deeds. but for now, i think it's best to just leave her and this whole situation behind you.


Well-known member
I'm sorry that you have to deal with drama from a "friend." I went through something similar (the situation, not the arguments after really). One of my best girlfriends that I've grown up with was being pretty flaky lately. She got a job at a restaurant and pretty much ditched all her friends to hang out with people from her job. (We've been friends for at least 15 years, and I wasn't the only person she was ditching for this group). I tried hanging out with all of them but there was always SO much drama and crap going on, I couldn't take it (it included hard drugs, DUIs, and other run-ins with the law). She started dating a new guy and within 3 months moved in with him and another couple). She and I don't really speak a lot since we never see each other, but once in a while we try to meet up for dinner and drinks just to catch up. A few weeks ago she had texted about doing just that on a Friday night. I agreed and we both confirmed the day before. That afternoon as I'm driving home from work to shower and get ready, she texts me saying she has to rain-check since she and her roomies are going to Atlantic City. She said they were originally going to leave in the morning, but had decided last minute to leave that night. I said sure no problem, have fun.
Well that morning, I was driving to my first appointment (I'm a mobile dog groomer), and who did I end up driving next to on the road to AC? My friend and her 3 roomies! I was just in utter shock. Like if she had said that she really needed to pack or save money, or something I would have been ok with it, but she pretty much lied and then I caught her. After that it was one of those situations where neither of us said anything about it, but we both knew (she waved to me, so it's not like she didn't know it was me).
I just hate when "friends" go all sketchy.


Well-known member
That's really unfair how you friend has treated you last week about going to the beach and also in the past. She sounds like a drama queen and really childish, like she doesn't want to own up to her mistakes. And the fact that she deletes you from LJ, Facebook, MySpace, etc., I mean come on, that's something you do when you're a little kid?
She sounds like a bitch and I think you'll be better off without this bitch in your life.