From Freelance to Permanent employee


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
Miss Misah - I know your profile says Bay Area but what region did you sign up to freelance for??? the best way to get known is to go into different stores and introduce yourself so they know who you are and remember you.

When I first started freelancing, I got one call three weeks later but because they liked me and I always showed up on time, prepared and was able to come in on a moments notice - by the end of my freelancing I was working close to 7 days a week between about 5 or 6 different stores.

So make friends at the counter without being tooo pushy and remember if you buy something while at the store don't forget the counter minimums so you don't tick anyone off by messing up their aus/ipt's ;-)

haha i'll keep the aus/ipt's in mind!

but i think im signed up for...east bay region? macys from like antioch/concord area to hayward/bayfair. what about you??


Originally Posted by calbear
#1 as far as the questions I got on that interview (going from freelance to perm) it was more about sales and customer service - I really wowed her with my knowledge of MAC she LOVED that. She could tell that I was a really big fan and I knew so much about the company.

#2 Freelancing rules vary from region to region and location to location. The Bay Area offers the 30% discount to freelancers with a valid id and a pay stub valid within 30 days. but some of our freelancers have gone to other areas and they do not allow it.

Also most of the Macy's locations allow freelancers to ring their own sales in my region but the Nordstrom and MAC stores do not allow freelancers to ring. Most locations attempt to provide freelancers with brushes but that can be a joke. I would show up at certain locations and all they would have was an old 224 and maybe a 190. Some locations would be so low on supplies that they would have no lip glass or laquer wands, spatulas or anything else. SO I started bringing ALL my own stuff, clearly marked so no one could take them and claim them as their own.

SO I typed all that to say, rules vary from location to location greatly - you never know til you are there ;-)

I freelance at a MAC counter (THE only counter in the state) at Nordstrom in Anchorage, Alaska. It's pretty sporadic. Been doing it since March and it's been maybe 6 times, for special launch events, or when they had girls coming in for prom, etc. It's a lot of fun but I haven't been able to get a discount (my friends that were working in SF told me the same: 30% w/your pay stub w/in 30 days of pay) nor do I get any gratis or anything. I also haven't had any real training. I just love makeup and my best friend is the star artist at the counter so she helps me out. It still is worth it for me, b/c it's fun and I need the extra money (I make $14 an hour, which isn't a ton but is more than my real job). I also don't have to ring anyone up, though sometimes that's a downside b/c people are waiting and you can't help them even though you're free and all the artists are busy, so you look like an idiot or something. Again, it's just totally different everywhere I think so anyone thinking about doing it should really get the details for their location and not take the word from someone else who may work elsewhere or have a different situation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMisah
haha i'll keep the aus/ipt's in mind!

but i think im signed up for...east bay region? macys from like antioch/concord area to hayward/bayfair. what about you??

I'm at the MAC Sunvalley store - stop by sometime and say hi ;-) I am the Black girl with the black and blue hair. You can do the same at other counters and just introduce yourself and let them know you wanna work. It really helps cause then they will have your face in mind when they need someone.

ps and look good when you stop by the stores so they know you can rock it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angela
Oh yea, I'm PERMANENT now!! yaay! calbear is right- the interview questions were mostly sales and customer service questions.

Congratulations sweetie - I'm glad the info helped.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by calbear
I'm at the MAC Sunvalley store - stop by sometime and say hi ;-) I am the Black girl with the black and blue hair. You can do the same at other counters and just introduce yourself and let them know you wanna work. It really helps cause then they will have your face in mind when they need someone.

ps and look good when you stop by the stores so they know you can rock it.

haha darn. i went to th walnut creek nordies in whatever it was i was wearing while i was shopping today, and ust introduced myself. i was pretty laid back-- makeup included. oh really like to be considered for the antioch counter cuz that one's the closest. i felt like a geek tho. the MA was all "can i help u?" and i was just like.."uhhh, im just stopping by to say HI and introduce myself..." hahahahaha....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMisah
haha darn. i went to th walnut creek nordies in whatever it was i was wearing while i was shopping today, and ust introduced myself. i was pretty laid back-- makeup included. oh really like to be considered for the antioch counter cuz that one's the closest. i felt like a geek tho. the MA was all "can i help u?" and i was just like.."uhhh, im just stopping by to say HI and introduce myself..." hahahahaha....

don't worry about it - you are still getting your name and your face out there. The folks at Antioch are real sweet so still stop by and stop by soon cause the Untamed event is coming up in September and you wanna make sure they know you by then. AND don't feel like a geek, it may feel weird but you will be glad you did it ;-)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000

You know what the funny part is? I have a WAAAY higher AUS/IPT now as a freelancer than when I was part of a counter? I used to struggle to keep a 3-4 IPT, and as a freelancer, I average 9-10 IPT...what is that????? :confused:

holy &#%! 9-10 IPT??? what's your secret? are you bribing customers?? haha im just joking girl
yea im struggling to keep a 3 IPT. i've only been working for over a month, so im still learning. You have a lot of experience so i think that comes hand in hand with product knowledge and being better able to give customers exactly what they want and then some. you ROCK! keep it up! my managers would LOVE to have you freelance at our counter here in SF!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
Congratulations Angela! Glad it worked out for you!

awww thanks Janice! i love your avatar!! you look stunnninggg!!


Well-known member
I have to agree. I was permanent at a counter and I left to freelance because the hours were too much for me, plus I usually got stuck working Sundays. You can work freelance up to 29 hours a can also take just a few days a week or even 1 day per week (that's what I have been doing lately, as I am going to school and have a family to take care of). As long as you don't turn down work too often, you'll get called. You have a lot of flexibility as a freelancer, too.

The downside is that you don't get the 60% discount or the gratis...but for me that was a small price to pay so that I could actually have a life outside work.


Dilemma! Should I take the Counter or Store Freelance Position?

Hey ladies! You all are soooo helpful. I love this forum!

Well I'm a licensed cosmetologist and for the longest I've always wanted to work for MAC since a good friend of mine in NY told me about the line.

Anyway, I was always told by other MA's at the stores that I should apply, so finally I did and landed an interview at the only store here in my area. According to the managers I did excellent, they ranted and raved about how well I did, although I thought I did just ok, but I took my friend and you guys advice about talking thru everything. Well upon the verbal interveiw, they were pretty much telling me I had the position, but they had to do a couple more interviews. Long story short on this interview, they chose the two other girls whom they said had "more years experience"...yes, I was very disappointed, they had me souped up with all the praise.

Well just this past monday, I got a call from a counter manager who said the store manager gave them my number and they really was impressed with me and wanted to get me a position with MAC we set the interview and the counter manager says she's really impressed with me too and loves my communication, however, i became a bit skeptical about the counter position from all the manager was telling me about working at the counter. The rude customers that curse them out, how it's more stressful, how they get constant backlash from the surrounding counters because of their music, no training, they kinda just put you out there, and other discouraging things, the interview itself went well , but yet again, she had to interview two more girls and she'll call me by next, all this praise, can you just hire me all ready! LOL

well after the interview i went to the store to get a couple of things and talked to the manager that interviewed me there earlier last week and she said that the counter customers are soooo different from the stores customers, they are more respectful and patient, and don't treat you like you are working behind a counter...they see you more as a makeupartist professional...whereas they see the counter girls, sometimes, as just that. And I believe this to be true, i've seen this with my own eyes from being a customer for years at the store.

NOw the manager at the store said they want me and I have the freelance positon there, but the counter job is more permanent and I'd hate to be a fool to not take the counter and so many other m/u/a would love to have the opp to be able to choose. I love the store because of the atmosphere and how excited I get and the style I'll have to bring, whereas the counter, I think I'd feel so blah, yet I would still be working for MAC, would have the 60% discount, and would have my feet in the door to move up if I work hard.

I'm in a dilemma, and I don't mean to come off cocky, but I really wanna make the right decision...because I am not one to deal with being called out of my name over one darn eyeshadow! It's not that serious. i'm thinking, why would MAC allow their employees to be treated like that and have to wait on people that conduct themselves in that way?

Oh and I hope I didn't offend anyone that works for either, not my intentions at all

Opinions, suggestions, or heck what would you do????????:confused:

sorry so lengthy


Active member
oh how i would love to be in such a dilemma!!!

anyways, i can't offer you any advice based on experience since i do not work for mac, but i can tell you that i do have friends at the mac counter in my area and they all have a great time at far as the ish they get from the other friend who works there just says that the other counters see the girls laughin playin their music havin a good time and they get "jealous" (in her words, not mine!)

a lot of the stuff you heard is true, but they left out how much fun it can be!! so basically I'm not trying to sway you either way, just don't be scared of the counter! lol


Well-known member
The answer to your issue has to come down to money...

The pay rate is the same for permanent and freelance positions, but the hours that you work/the money you bring home is not.

With a freelance position you are able to work the hours you want (by accepting or declining a shift when they offer it to you). During the Holiday season you will be getting a lot of hours, but after New Year's it drops off to almost nothing....I went 2 months without a call last year.

With a permanent position you have guarenteed minimum hours that you will be working. And a counter isn't really all that bad, but after you've been there a while (6 months) you can post for any other positions that open up and possibly transfer to a store.

Sooo....if you do not have another source of income, the permanent counter position is your best bet at stability, but if you have the means and want it, go ahead and take the freelance job.


Well-known member
Counter: Regular paycheck, staff discount, gratis.
Freelance: Totally irregular paycheck, no discount, no gratis.


Thanks ladies. Yeah, I guess if it was based solely on money, then the perm job will do. I guess the fear of the unknown is what has me feeling like this is a hard decision. I will have to decide next week. I'll let you guys, if you care, lol, know what happens. I really did want someone to speak on what the counter managers said about the customers at counters vs. at the store...wanting to know if this happens where you are too? Thanks again!


Well-known member
It's actually more the people you work with than whether it's a store or a counter. They're the people you work with day in and day out. Ideally, you're a team with a great levelheaded manager, which is what I've got! The customers- most are fine and normal. Remember physics - for every action is an equal opposite reaction... For every mirror-throwing cursing namecalling nutbar there is a fantabulous person who will make it all worthwhile.


Do you have any experience with retail? I only ask because you seemed surprised at what the counter manager told you about working at a counter. I took a counter position with Bobbi Brown about a month ago. I had retail experience from a long time ago and was ready for the hours, the other counters, and yes, sometimes the customers. But I can tell you this - I absolutely LOVE working with cosmetics and if you do too, then the bad stuff kind of melts away. Department store retail is what it is. Not to say you won't sometimes want to strangle someone or go on a 45 minute venting rant!

Do let us know what you decide!