from the OC


Active member
just started college here in so-cal (originally from the bayyy).
new to MAC and makeup itself.
needs A LOT of help

hi !!


Well-known member
Hello there, welcome!!!
which college are you attending?
I'm from so-cal and I moved up north for UC Davis, it was an awesome experience for me! I hope you enjoy your stay in so-Cal!


Active member
UC Irvine.
i was thinking of going to UC davis but wanted a change in scenery. haha it looks like we switched places


Well-known member
hehe that's funny! I almost went to UC Irvine, then decided I wanted to live somewhere else for a change. I figured if I didn't do it then it wasn't going to happen anytime soon.
Living alone at a new city made me learn a lot of things about myself and also allowed me to grow as a person, and I highly recommend it to everyone.

I LOVED being up north!
The only thing I wasn't too thrilled about was the weather changes (that's so so-cal of me, muhaha!), and that davis was a little collegetown with nothing to do (all the shops closed by 9pm, l was literally going insane for first few weeks), but it had its charms too.
Seriously, you'll have the time of your life while in college!


Well-known member
Where in the Bay are you from? I was born and raised there, moved to AZ about 1.5 years ago now. Oh how I miss real grass LOL


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san francisco <3
i'm starting to miss the cold weather there.. but i don't mind going down to the beach during november here =]