Full size 187 and 168 or face brush set


Active member
Hi ladies, this is my 1st ever post here and wanted to get a recommendation whether i should get the formal black face brush set or the full size 187 and 168 seperately if they the main brushes I am eyeing?



Well-known member
tough question - and the answer will be different for everyone.. here's my take:

are you really sure you want those two brushes? or are you wanting to test them out, and try a few others as well?

if you really really want those brushes in particular, then get full size to get the quality (i bought the set for a second 187 and ended up buying another full size anyway). If you want to try out a few brushes and get to try them without throwing away heaps of cash on full size, then get the set.


Active member
hmm.. i really really want 168.
and i want to try 187 after all the raves

don't really need the concealer nor foundation brush in the face brush set but i figure the price of 168 and 187 where i am work out to around slightly more than the price of the face brush set...


Well-known member
I have the 168se and I hate it - its from the set but its just too small for me to like.....not convinced either as it doesnt seem wonderfully soft


Well-known member
Originally Posted by noangel
hmm.. i really really want 168.
and i want to try 187 after all the raves

don't really need the concealer nor foundation brush in the face brush set but i figure the price of 168 and 187 where i am work out to around slightly more than the price of the face brush set...

hmmm ok... tricky indeed!
I hope this can help - my personal experience with the 2006 face brush set vs my full size 187 and 168.

madkitty is very right - the 168 in the set this year is quite firm and small. It's not as soft and fluffy as my full size one is. I'm not that much of a fan of the one in the set. i'm not too sure that i would be convinced by the one in the set if i didn't have a full size. (same goes for the 239SE, it also feels really firm, not soft)

187 - the one in the set is, again, quite different to the full size... the bristles are a bit different and the white bristles are a blunt cut rather than tapered on the ends like a full size. That said, i find the 187SE is magic for foundation application. i haven't really tested it out with powder that much, but i assume it would do the job.

I say - get yourself to a counter or store, talk an MA into letting you handle the brushes from the set AND the full size ones. compare them and decide which ones you'd prefer to spend the money on. you might prefer the set to the full size as a starter, or you might want to go full size straight away.

you shouldn't have to work too hard to be able to do this - most MAs will offer to let you test a brush from their belt or the display if you are wavering on buying...


Well-known member
brush sets are really good for traveling. if you plan on using these brushes everyday -- or even in the long run...then i would say get the two full sized ones. brushes are expensive...but they are totally an investment! MAC brushes will totally last you YEARS AND YEARS (with proper care
) my counter manager would always say in regards to our brushes "you cant build a house without the proper tools" haha.

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