Fun and silly poll of the week.


Well-known member
When you get a drink: Do you used Crushed ice or whole ice? How exactly do you drink your drink?

OK Your wondering what I'm talking about but I will answer so you will understand:

If I am drinking sweet Tea I get whole ice. And then after I'm done drinking my tea I usually get the ice in my mouth and suck on it or let it melt in my mouth.

If I'm drinking water- It has to be crushed ice and then I just crunch it after I'm done with my water.


Well-known member
I like crushed ice better... but IMO, the most important thing when ordering a drink is to get a straw. Cause you can act all flirty and look naughty while enjoying your drink

whole ice are annoying. I once drank something without a straw and swallowed a whole ice cube. Hate it since.


Well-known member
If I am making an alcoholic beverage such as rum and coke or a rita on the rocks I use crushed. If I am just drinking something like tea or juice I use cubed.


Well-known member
I prefer cubed ice, I do not like ice in my Iced Tea.. it waters it down. I prefer to make my own tea and keep it in the fridge. I also dont like Ice in my water. .. Once again I prefer cold from the fridge water.

I only do Ice in soda, because without it soda is toooo strong for me to handle.


Well-known member
I used cubed ice for alcoholic drinks! Other drinks I prefer it to be cold - no ice at all (especially for water).


Well-known member
Great poll, Hawkeye.

I ALWAYS get regular ice in everything because I CRUNCH it.

It's a bad habit I picked up when I was anemic during my pregnancy last year.


Well-known member
I *crave* ice cubes. It's strange. My favorites are the round ones with the holes in them, usually found in hotel ice machines.
Whatever I'm drinking, I gotta have lots and lots of ice cubes! And usually, if I'm at a fast food joint where I can refill my glass, I'll refill it with ice cubes before I leave, so I have a stash to munch on.

I'll probably have no teeth when I get older.


Well-known member
Cubes because I'm too lazy to crush my own ice haha. If its already crushed, then sure. I'm good with both.


Well-known member
Whole ice with sodas. Water super cold, but without ice. Unless I am at a restaurant and they don't have bottled. Bring on that ice! As usually restaurant tap water tastes like they pulled it out of a dog bowl or the toilets. Juice, no ice, ever. Honestly, that' just how I prefer it. If I am thirsty, I'll take it however I can get it. Except......

When I lived overseas, I was sooooooooooo sick of being served lukewarm soda or water without ice. I was almost at the point of bringing a baggy of ice with me just so I didn't get that "you damn American" scowl/stare when I asked for ice.