Funny things that our SO do


Well-known member
hhmmm another funny/ slightly irritating thing that my hubby does is pump air when he gets excited druing films! you know if something good happenes he'll pump and punch the air and go 'yessssssss!' quietly but it's still kinda weird! it's a film not live sports he's watching!


Well-known member
ahah this thread made me giggle

i sleep with my eyes open too hehe

whats a funny thing my SO does... hmm... I can't think of anything. Thats kind of lame :p


Well-known member
No SO on this end, but wow, I do a lot of things your bfs/hubbies do in their sleep (walking, talking, freaking out at the tiniest noise). I'm probably going to freak out my next boyfriend who hears some of the things I say/sees some of the things I do in my sleep. One time, I was sleeping over at my friend's house and walked down the stairs, walked into the kitchen, opened up the refrigerator and took out a piece of leftover KFC chicken, took a bite and then laid down in front of the open fridge and fell asleep. I don't remember this, but my friend said she got up after she woke up and saw that I was missing and found me asleep on the floor in front of the open refrigerator with a KFC drumstick in my hand with only one bite taken out of it... It's scary how I do things in my sleep and don't even remember doing


Well-known member
lol I know that I am a little late. I don't know if this is cute or scary. My Fiance always rolls over me when he is sleeping. I am 100 lbs he is almost 300 lbs. He doesn't smash me or anything. I just kiss him and push him off. It use to annoy me when we first moved in together. Now It doesn't bother me.


Well-known member
My boyfriend is the closest thing to a nudist I have ever seen. First thing he does when he comes home (from anywhere) is strip off all of his clothes.
We'll even be out shopping and he'll be pulling at his shirt, telling me that he can't wait to get home so he can be naked.

Video games nude, cooking nude, you name it.

I think it's funny as hell. The only time it annoys me is when he orders food and makes me answer the door cos he couldn't be bothered to dress.

He's so quirky actually, I could go on about so many things. But this is my absolute favorite quirk.


Well-known member
haha some of these are really funny, i like the catwalk one!

i think the FUNNIEST thing he did once was:
he was snoring, like a fog horn, like usual, it doesnt even wake him up in the slightest, but he did a fart, and it wasnt actually that loud, but he totally startled himself and jumped out of bed, thinking there was an intruder in the house or something!
being already awake from the snoring, i laughed myself silly


Well-known member
Mine laughs in his sleep. Pretty loud too. At first it was kind of creepy but I got used to it. Now I kind of just laugh about it. Its weird. haha!

Candy Christ

Well-known member
Mine always says he'd be a beautiful girl with a huge behind, and thinks he knows about makeup and all that good stuff. He really likes to piss me off and say that my makeup is uneven/my face is blotchy/my brows blahblah. When we go out, even like for a walk he dresses all sharp and then once he's home he runs and changes into baggy shirts and shorts, apparently I'm not supposed to mind him looking like a hobo? He randomly tells his RuneScape stats(I doubt anyone on here plays) when were on the phone, something like "I can wear Guthix now". He's quite odd but I can't help but love him. And what's really really odd is that he thinks it's funny when I curl his eyelashes lol.

Candy Christ

Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
wow where do i start with my hubby?! i think his top moment was when he was walking with me to the supermarket. i noticed he was walking weird and wiggling about strangley - kind of like he had pooped himself! i said what the heck are you doing? he went bright red and started laughing. he then admitted he was imgining what it would be like to walk down a catwalk! wtf?! it was 7am and he was strutting his stuff (badly) down a main road!

OMG I laughed so hard when I read that, that's hilarious.


Well-known member
this thread is hilarious! the CATWALK WAS FUNNY! my fiance is just really retarded during the day and just weird at night. during the day when im on the phone with my friends he will make noises and i cant hear on the phone and after like 10 times of yelling i get up to give him a few punches and he will scream out to my bestfriend on the phone "REBECCA CALL THE THE POLICE!" and then when we are in the car he'll say hi to random people on the street!!!! he'll say "hi Fallyn" to everybody but MY NAME is Fallyn lol. and at night OMG when im laying down on my side and he's holding me when he's like dead sleep he starts humping me! it's so annoying and i gotta wake him up and say "christian knock it the fuck off" lol. thats all i CAN share right now lol.


Well-known member
Mr RR has many "quirks" which make me laugh:

He sleeps naked. All year round. I hate him for this because in the summer he is nice and cold and in the winter he is nice and warm and I am either sweating like a pig or freezing my backside off. I never say I feel cold though because his way of warming up the duvet is via fart and I would rather stay cold.

When we go shopping he makes sure he uses up every single penny he has, I find it easier to give over cash in the form of notes but he will be damned if we go home and he still has pennies in his WALLET (I call it a purse which apparently it aint!)

He does the undressing thing too, I would like him to wear an itchy desi outfit and then tell me what real outfit suffering is!

Whenever he goes for a shower and comes out of the shower he makes a conscious effort to do the "woo woo" thing which always makes me laugh despite me telling him that those antics do not impress me.

He can function on two hours sleep whereas I look like a zombie so he has no problem putting the moves on me whilst I am asleep and waking me up.

At home I always sleep by the window side but apart from that, wherever we go, he makes sure to sleep by the window side?

This last one pisses me right off but all the men in my family do it, he asks you to get him something and if you say no, he will quite happily sit without it but the second you get up to get something he asks you again to bring him what he wanted and then you have to get it because you have no reason not to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nzsallyb
mine does this too, but he makes me be in the other end of the house, and panics and yells if i wont go there lol

i wish mine was like this! he calls me all the time when hes pooping.. even when hes like in a public place.

Hmm.. my lover is weird. Hes always dancing thinking hes all that. Haha, he bought a childrens mickey mouse basketball hoop and put it on his closet, and that is just crazy to walk. hahah.

Oh well, i miss him!


Well-known member
I have this shower cap i got in Urban outfitters, its grey and has two big mouse ears on it. On saturday morning my Bf puts it on and wraps this blanket I have thats covered in hearts around him like a cape. He'll go down and sit on the sofa. He will only answer to the name "Captain Love Mouse". Captain Love Mouse is always grumpy and hungry.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cherry24
I have this shower cap i got in Urban outfitters, its grey and has two big mouse ears on it. On saturday morning my Bf puts it on and wraps this blanket I have thats covered in hearts around him like a cape. He'll go down and sit on the sofa. He will only answer to the name "Captain Love Mouse". Captain Love Mouse is always grumpy and hungry.

HAH. Dude sounds awesome.

And at least he's moved on from underwear. My boyfriend is forever doing that

He's another weird sleeper. Definnitely the humping, pawing etc. But he's punched me a couple of times in the back when he's asleep (he's a big guy, but he's the most non violent person I know- he's honestly a pussycat), and a couple of times he's woken up from me rolling over or something and sits up with a gasp and puts his dukes up like someone was about to smash him. It's bizarre.

Seems like a LOT of men do the sleep humping... Shouldn't surprise me, but it does :p

We also have this weird 'zombie love' thing. We try to outgross each other by being zombies and trying to kiss etc... He always wins because he's a freaky mofo. He's tried to do it in public a couple of times hahaha.

When we go shopping he makes sure he uses up every single penny he has, I find it easier to give over cash in the form of notes but he will be damned if we go home and he still has pennies in his WALLET (I call it a purse which apparently it aint!)

Ughhh... Yes. Even if it's a long line and you can hear people sighing and stamping their feet. He couldn't give a rats and counts everything out. I should mention we work in a cafe' (my parents, we're helping them out) so most of the time its small tips... Like ten and twenty cent coins.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cherry24
I have this shower cap i got in Urban outfitters, its grey and has two big mouse ears on it. On saturday morning my Bf puts it on and wraps this blanket I have thats covered in hearts around him like a cape. He'll go down and sit on the sofa. He will only answer to the name "Captain Love Mouse". Captain Love Mouse is always grumpy and hungry.

Hehehe, this is the best thing I've heard all week! I need to think of a few to add to this... it seems I'm the quirky one in the relationship.. my boyfriend is so very normal, but somehow very special.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cherry24
I have this shower cap i got in Urban outfitters, its grey and has two big mouse ears on it. On saturday morning my Bf puts it on and wraps this blanket I have thats covered in hearts around him like a cape. He'll go down and sit on the sofa. He will only answer to the name "Captain Love Mouse". Captain Love Mouse is always grumpy and hungry.

OMG!!!!! That is so fricken hilarious!!!! I was laughing so fricken hard when I read that!!!! ahahahaha.


Well-known member
My bf sometimes acts like a badass or acts like he doesnt care about anything...but I know he has his soft side when he baby talks our dog. He will talk to her like a baby and make little conversations and cuddle with her like hes holding a human baby. its weird but kind of cute at the same time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pink_minx
My bf sometimes acts like a badass or acts like he doesnt care about anything...but I know he has his soft side when he baby talks our dog. He will talk to her like a baby and make little conversations and cuddle with her like hes holding a human baby. its weird but kind of cute at the same time.

ah! yeah some guys are really mushy about their pets, i love that. its really sweet


Well-known member
^^ I completely agree! My boyfriend talks to our cats like babies and comes up with the funniest nick-names for them. And when we're listening to music, he'll sing along but change the words to make them about the cats. TOO funny!!

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