{GAME} Would you rather....


Well-known member
yeeeechh! Family guy i guess

WYR drink a gallon of sour milk or
eat an expired hot dog on moldy bread


Well-known member
Eat an expired hot dog on moldy bread... I'm part lactose and I think the smell of the milk would make me vomit; if the milk didn't itself -- plus, soo much!!!

Would YOU rather...
- Have syphilis ~OR~
- Have chlamydia

LOL ick


Well-known member
Grasshopper. Flies land in poop way too much!

WYR have a one night stand with Michael Jackson or never have sex again?


Well-known member
I'd take: Michael Jackson...don't know if he's into women or adults, but hey!

Have your eyes permanently crossed
be completely blind?


Well-known member
LOL!!! you're funny...

I would rather have my eyes closed all the time because then people can really see my eye makeup!


Well-known member

on the subject of reincarnation then...


be reincarnated continuously over 20+ lifetimes to learn the same lessons you're supposedly learning in this lifetime?


be reincarnated and every time end up as a different type of criminal?

(BTW i don't actually believe this happens.. i don't think..)


Well-known member
Wait - do I remember my different reincarnations? 'Cause if not, then it won't bother me any to do the same thing over and over
Either way, 20 times the same lesson definitely beats having to spend one life as a child molester *shutters*

Be trapped in a video game
Be trapped in a movie?


Well-known member
trapped in a movie because then maybe I can make out with hot actors!

WYR be constantly sweating or have a constant boogery nose?


Well-known member
man hilly thats hard! but as i hate sweating and how it shows on clothing in hot summery months and whatnot...i'll *yelp* choose the nose. and try my DAMNDEST to keep that clean!

WYR do house work (ie cleaning dishes, dusting whatnot) or do yard work?

Sorry its boring but I was talking about this with my family this past weekend.


Well-known member
Depends on my mood. I think yard work now that it's summer - although both are good exercize.

Would YOU rather...
~Have a clothespin constantly pinching your lip OR
~Have a crayon stuck up your nose forever (no one can see it though)


Well-known member
Hahahah...I'd rather: Have a crayon stuck up your nose forever (no one can see it though). Lots of times only one of my nostrils is stuffy, so that's like having a crayon there already!

Constantly be drooling all over the place (a lot)
Every time you laugh, smile, or cough pee a little??


Well-known member
Boooogies. been there done that. Ear wax is just ew!

Would YOU rather...
~ Sweat profusely every 10 minutes...soaking pit stains... OR
~ Let a big, stinky, sour (hurts your nose kind of) fart every 10 minutes


Well-known member
ewwww i'm gonna have to go with the amrpits.... sour farts gaaaggh

Would you rather have no eyes, or no mouth??


Well-known member
Hairy all over cuz you can easily just wax or thread or something.

WYR lick grass or eat a deep fried used handkerchief?

lol..okay then


Well-known member
ew....lick grass...you weirdoo!! hehe (why would you even deep-fry a handkerchief? wth? lol)

would you rather starve for the rest of your life or be bloated for the rest of your life (like almost sick kinda bloated)?


Well-known member
Starve. I suppose they could always pump I.V.'s in me to keep my weight up. ;P Being bloated is the worst feeling everrrr. Ick!

Would YOU rather...
- Be a Madonna lookalike ~OR~
- Be a Britney Spears lookalike