Garage Sales and Thrift shops!


Well-known member
I totally LOVE junking around. Today, I got an antique chest of drawers for $40!!
Do yall shop for junk?
It's such a fun hobby that doesnt break the bank!

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I love going Car Boot sales in the summer, i can find some great stuff there!

I once puchased this HUGE Tigger plush toy, one of those big ones for £6 and I saw the exact same one in a shop for £30! bargain or what? My niece loves her Tig Tig toy (she cant say Tigger so its TigTig haha)


Well-known member
I love to go in the summer.
I found an authentic vintage gucci purse and chanel flats. All the rich summer women drop off such amazing items at the thirft shop here.


Well-known member
ive found some really nice clothes at thrift stores before. like free people. for like $1.99. salvation army love. =]


Well-known member
I've always wanted to do the whole garage sale/thrift/antique shopping but idk what i'm doing lol. all the antique stores around here seem to be rather pricy. the thrift stores seem rather grungy and i never see any damn garage sales haha. one day ....


Well-known member
I heart craigslist.

PS - antique stores are willing to haggle. I used to work at one and my boss would always set the prices high even though I told her a lot of common customers didn't know they could haggle (she'd just say, "So they'll pay the full price!

But if you want to buy antiques, it's good to know what you're getting.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If traditional thrift shops are too pricey, I've gotten awesome things from Craig's List and Freecycle (

Since it's getting to be the end of the college academic year, college kids are getting rid of all sorts of stuff for insanely cheap prices. They're posting on Craig's List, fliers around the colleges.

If you work at university/college, you might be able to find some good stuff in the dorms by the garbage can. It always amazed me what people would throw out. Perfectly beautiful and usable lamps, chairs, furniture, etc.


Well-known member
At the end of every school year in college, i always threw good stuff away because i didnt want to pack it and bring it back home.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
If you work at university/college, you might be able to find some good stuff in the dorms by the garbage can. It always amazed me what people would throw out. Perfectly beautiful and usable lamps, chairs, furniture, etc.

Just warning you, garbage diving is illegal - at least down here in Tucson. Security was heightened when I left for off-campus in 2004.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'm not sure if it's illegal in MA or at least last year, no one enforced it. A lot of the staff around campus would rummage through and get the good stuff.

I think dumpster diving is technically illegal most places, but a lot of people get away with it. There are whole Livejournal communities dedicated to literal dumpster diving.