Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Worldwide demand, fueled (tee hee) by two slightly populated countries (India and China), is a major part of rising oil prices. They will probably come back down at some point, but the days of $30 a BB gas are gone. I think we can probably realistically expect to get back fown around 2.50-2.75 in the future, but it won't be because of anyone being elected in the US.
We've been lucky enough to be insulated from rising grocery costs because we shop at the commissary, but I'm going to look for an evening job to offset the cost of other things so that we don't have to cut back on anything. I'd rather work nights than go without the things I enjoy.
Hm well I'm not sure if the increased consumption of India and China is one of the main reasons
yet. Of course, that is one of many reasons. Sure, that will make a huge impact on consumption in the future, but the main consumption of resources is still western democracies, especially the US.
Another reason that the oil prices have been soaring is because of speculation on the market, which is jacking up the prices.
But anyhow, the increasing cost of oil is a strong factor in the increasing cost of food, so the two are inextricably linked.
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
I saw on the news the iranians say we need to be paying $10 a gallon for gas, and the saudis only seem to care about getting rich.
I agree that the US should be paying more for oil, because the rest of the world is paying disproportionately more, as has already been stated. Maybe that would also spur on a move to decrease personal consumption. Well, the Saudi leaders have called for an OPEC meeting to discuss the recent rise in prices. So hopefully something will be done, but I'm not really counting on it. They are getting rich....
The only long term solution to the oil crisis is reducing consumption and looking for alternative sources of energy. I personally don't think drilling for oil in wildlife reserves like the Arctic is the answer, which has been suggested by Bush (big surprise there). Anyhow, oil
will run out eventually. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of
when. The problem with bio energy like ethanol is that it uses up masses of potential food crops to manufacture a minute amount of ethanol, which is causing famine in many areas of the world, especially Africa. So it's not really a clean source at all, it also promotes monoculture and desertification of arable land. The world is in dire need of food crops, not crops to be made into Ethanol.
Ugh, it just seems like a big vicious circle.
On a personal note, I take mass transit and the train to work everyday. We have 1 car between my bf and I. My commute is much longer than his to work, so I've thought about buying a 2nd car for myself. But now I've kind of put it on a back burner until I get a better paying job because I just don't want to have to limit my lifestyle to pay for gas. I can afford a car, I've saved up a lot, but once I have a car it would be eating up all my fun money.