gauged/stretched ears


Well-known member
i dont have them, but i do love them. i find they really attractive in girls for some reason. lol. id like to get some but im going to be a teacher and i think its a no-no.


Well-known member
I love my gauged out ears. My lowest lobe piercings are 00 and 0 in the left and right ears respectively, my middle set is 8 and my last set is basically just a standard poke. (I can wear anything like.. 14 and smaller). Personally, I live for good glass plugs because I found that with stone and naturals I can't get the kind of matched pair I want. And glass is so shiny.

They drive my mother crazy, and confuse the hell out of my grandmother, but really that has so little to do with why I like them. But, it is entertaining.

Oh, and if I wear tunnels in the first set you can see my tattoos through them.


Well-known member
i only just noticed this thread and i didnt know anyone would be into this sort thing, i was at 16mm and 17mm before my son now they are about 5mm both
( im planning on streaching them to 20. is amazing, everone should go on the mblog

coco xxx


Well-known member
Mine are at a 2gauge, I think, or maybe a four. I really can't remember! But I absolutely love them! I usually wear hollow plugs so I can still wear normal earrings with bigger stoppers on them. Because I am such a lazy ass, I buy most of my jewelry for them at Hot Topic, or get them in advance as birthday/Christmas presents. The only thing I don't like about them is the smell that accumulates when you don't clean them, which is on par with rotting onions and feet. I really should clean them more.


Well-known member
Agh, I recently tried to stretch up to 0ga, and even though I was at 2ga and my double flared plugs could poke in and out without pain (so it was like I was 1ga ish) it still hurt like a bitch to stretch. And then it kept hurting for like two days and I couldn't take it so I took them out and it turns out I tore some of my ear (like split during stretching) so it was bleeding for a while...and super sore.

So now I am still at 2ga, and have to wait a longer time so that it can heal and get back to where I was before...

The other thing was that I had to switch off my natural plugs cuz they were giving me a rash/allergic reaction...and then I accidentally dropped one down the sink


Well-known member
I would like to stretch to a 12 or 10 gauge so I can wear some spirals (i.e. Goddess Spirals). They really start to look impressive at 10 gauge.

Currently, I'm still at standard 20 gauge. The only thing I'm apprehensive about is getting them to shrink back down to standard 20 once I'm tired of the spirals.


Well-known member
i love this thread....i am at a 2 gauge and i love it...i wear glass tunnels from hot topic and i really want more jewerly...and im thinking that i want to stretch to a 0 but not sure....and i think plugs on girls is sexy and guys too...just nothing more than like 00 or a bit bigger....i just dont like the look of the huge ones


Well-known member
i was at a 00g but i've let them close up, so now they're back to about a 4g or 6g...i wonder if i can still find nice jewelry in such small sizes.
glass tunnels sound niiice.


Well-known member
I finally got back down to a 0 then proceeded onto the 7/16ths (I was so proud!), but sadly at Voodoofest my plugs fell out and they started closing up. So I let them stretch back and right now I've got some 18 gauge spirals in.

I'd restretch them but it'd be the third time I did, and I'm not sure how healthy that is you know? The idea of my scar tissue tearing scares the shit out of me (it just sounds nasty). Plus I had mono and sometimes my lymphnodes swell up and my lobes swell up too. It's nasty and with gauged ears it was just not a look I'd recommend.

I just go weak at the knee for guys with gauges. Makes me swoon, haha.


Well-known member
I had 0g for about a year, and then took them out. This was about 1.5 years ago. My lobes are still very stretchy, though, and I can wear everything from 14g-4g fine. I can probably put in 2g if I wanted to. This past October I put in 8g after not wearing anything in my ears for a year, and ended up at 4g I think by the mid month mark... then took them out a few weeks later.

I can't stand the "stretched ear stink" or whatever you call it. I'd wash the plugs and holes every day, and it'd still be there. Yuck.

Courtney <3

Well-known member
i know this thread is very very old aha
but i recently started the process of ear stretching

the main hole in my left ear is a 10 while the second hole is a 14, the main hole in my right ear is a 12 and the second hole is a 14 too.

i had the taper fall out in my right ear so it closed up and i had to start the process over again. so it looks pretty dumb with two different sized plugs aha

i plan on going to an 8.



Well-known member
I used to be a 0g, hoping to get to 00g then someday 1/2".. However, my tapers and plugs would fall out constantly and close up in a matter of minutes so I just gave up. I love the look of stretched ears and was so upset when I just couldn't get mine to cooperate, unfortunately.

Courtney <3

Well-known member
i finally have both of them at a 10

i really dont know if i plan on going bigger or staying where im at now though.
it really just depends on my mood i guess


Well-known member
I have 1-inch ears, and i`ve had stretched ears for almost 8 years. I love having streteched ears, but do not think they are for everyone considering there`s no going back after a certain size (unless you want to have surgery).

I have a lot of jewelery, from bling plugs to silicone tunnels. And I love getting new jewelery, I get most of my stuff from my local tattoo shops, I can get some wicked deals so it almost beats shopping online. I`ve ordered from before and they`re really reasonable.

I must say my biggest pet peeve with being tattooed and have large gauged ears is when people respond to my image with `Aren`t you worried about what you`re going to look like when you are 80???`

... Well actually, pretty much all older people are covered up from head to toe, wearing pant suits in the summer, hah. And serisouly, what are you going to be doing when you`re that old anyways...?? If you want to live your life due to how you may look half a century from now, that`s fine with me but it gets really tiring when you hear it non-stop from other people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by imthebeesknees
I must say my biggest pet peeve with being tattooed and have large gauged ears is when people respond to my image with "Aren`t you worried about what you`re going to look like when you are 80??"

LMAO, my mom (and others) always say that to me. But I tell them all that by the time I'm 80, I'll be fully covered in tats. So it wouldnt matter if my ears are down to my shoulders. Shit, my boobs will be down to my knees anyways. haha


Well-known member
I'm currently 9/16. And I would never give up my stretched ears. I love em!

I had to give up a lot of my piercings (tragus, tounge, industrial, rook, etc.) and cover up some of my tats b/c of my job. I dont like to conform with my surrounding environment but if its going to pay my bills, I have to suck it up. Luckily, my boss doesn’t care about the gauges.

When I was 15, I started with a 6. But once I hit a 0, my damn ears started getting larger by it self. Now a days, I go a day without any jewelry and it shrinks to ½. Then I wear jewelry for a straight week, and the ½ gauges fall out of my ears while I’m sleeping or showering. I think it’s funny.

The only thing I hate about stretched ears is the SMELL! Eww! Like dirty belly button, haha.


Well-known member
I'm currently at 00, considering going bigger eventually, but I'm happy with the size of them now. I get my jewelry from either my tattoo/piercing shop I go to or online at

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