Well-known member
I know what covering up and giving up peircings is like, I have no peircings exept for my ears and all of my tats have to be covered at work, even my finger tat... I waitress at a semi-classy chineese resturant so they're pretty strict about things like that. So don't worry you're not the only one!! At least we're making money!!
You're lucky your ears still shrink, mine never do!! I can have nothig in mine for a couple days and they stay the same!! Which i HATE because mine are a teeensy bit over an inch so my jewelery falls out a lot.
So be happy yours shrinks!!
Haha yeah its pretty gross when they smell like that, I think everyone is different because ever since I've been at an inch mine don't smell. But my boyfriend has been at an inch even longer than me and his still stink.

You're lucky your ears still shrink, mine never do!! I can have nothig in mine for a couple days and they stay the same!! Which i HATE because mine are a teeensy bit over an inch so my jewelery falls out a lot.

Haha yeah its pretty gross when they smell like that, I think everyone is different because ever since I've been at an inch mine don't smell. But my boyfriend has been at an inch even longer than me and his still stink.