General Chanel Chat

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hypathya
Cosmic Violine was LE with Lumieres Celestes from last year's summer. I've seen it not long ago at a counter

I went to another two counters to look for it today and they don't have it too. At my regular counter, I saw a woman, a foreigner, who picked 7 nail polishes from the displayer and told the SA she wanted all of them. Unfortunately, I believed the SA only managed to find 1 or 2 of them. Cosmic Violine was one of those the customer picked! The counter should not be displaying those that are already out of stocks.


Well-known member
I keep reading rumors on TPF that the Soho collection will eventually trickle down to the larger department stores here in the US, around the October/November timeframe. Same for the Les Khakis collection. I hope so. Then I'll get another chance (and time to save) at the Soho quad and Stunning (which I now want, go figure)!


Well-known member
after a whole 24 hours of trying on 3 different computers, my order finally went through...I got:

Vert Khaki x2
Rose Khaki
Brun Khaki
Insolent RA
Excessive RA

wow thank goodness it is the weekend.. if this came out on a work day i would have had to take the day off to try to buy this...ah this makes me think so much more highly of MAC's website. just click "add to cart" and it actually adds item to cart...GENIUS


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
Lol, the whole process was exceedingly frustrating. Shopping is supposed to be fun!!


It will be fun getting the packaging at home!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I keep reading rumors on TPF that the Soho collection will eventually trickle down to the larger department stores here in the US, around the October/November timeframe. Same for the Les Khakis collection. I hope so. Then I'll get another chance (and time to save) at the Soho quad and Stunning (which I now want, go figure)!

After all the work you did to order everything, you deserve the quad! So hopefully it will be available later on.

Btw, thanks Karin! *Crosses fingers that there are no more issues*


Well-known member

I was just on the nail polish swatch thread here on specktra and one of the posts had swatches of all three khakis nps shades. I must say...I am starting to like Brun more and more these days!...Ive said that before on here, but its becoming more true. LOL! It's not all brown...there is some olive-ness to it that is striking? Not entirely sure it would like best on me.

Check the swatches out here:



Well-known member
Is there a Chanel nail polish shade that is brown with a hint of red? If so, and you own it...can put up a swatch pic?


Well-known member
I'm glad I wasn't the only one having issues with the website... it was MADDENING!
After wasting what felt like HOURS, I finally called the SOHO boutique and pre ordered for the opening on Friday. I gave them my CC # and was told that they'd call me back with a confirmation. When 3 hours passed, I called back and was told that they'd run the CC on Friday (when the boutique actually opened) and would call me then. Friday came and went with no phone call. I called three times on Friday, and no one picked up the phone. I kept getting voicemails and being rerouted to the operator (which also went to voicemail).


I have no idea if my order went through... so far my CC has no been charged... and no one is picking up the phone to tell me ANYTHING. I'm slightly stressed that this woman took my info over the phone and just randomly left it somewhere on the boutique floor. OMG.


Well-known member
I can't believe I got my order from Saks today! I got Pink Teaser, Excessive and Exotic. I love them all. I was worried at first because Exotic swatched kinda weak on my hand. That's probably because the formula is so smooth. When I tried it on my lips it was a beautiful shimmery orange/coral. Excessive is a deep, juicy red. I really don't have a red quite like it. Of course, everyone knows how awesome Pink Teaser is already.



Well-known member
Oh, & it was really funny - while I was at the SAKS Chanel counter, another lady came up asking for the Khaki np
She said omg it was so awful trying to order on the site last night...I would put something in my cart & it would take it out & then everything was gone blah blah blah & I am laughing to myself. So my chanel lady says, well perfect timing because you are standing next to the perfect person to talk to about it (me

She was looking for Rose Khaki, Steel & the SOHO items
So we had a great chat.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one

So, dh surprised me with this book today while we were shopping

And then I bought Excessive ls

This is why I need a dh!

So, how much do you love Excessive?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shontay07108
This is why I need a dh!

So, how much do you love Excessive?

Well my dear, I'm sure you'll find a keeper one day

Excessive is a beautiful red! Very much along the lines of Exces gloss. So do you love it on?


Well-known member
That book looks too cute! Good to know we weren't the crazy few pulling out hair out trying to order Les Khakis. Out of morbid curiosity, I checked the site today, and no problems. I guess everyone just needed to go to bed!


Well-known member
I went shopping today as a diversion...and ended up being naughty. The Lord and Taylor near me sometimes has stock of stuff that is sold out everywhere else, and I stopped to look at their Rouge Allures.....I ended up walking away with Emotion, Desirable, Adorable and Crazed. I don't remember ever having seen these before (getting on this forum, anyway
) and I love them all! I needed them like I need a submarine, but I also needed a bit of a pick-me-up - probably picked up more than I should have
but what the heck.

Sorry I haven't posted my pics like I said I would, but I was crazy work busy yesterday, and had book club last night - ended up being gone most of today.

BTW Elegant, it was Emotive that I ordered. Love the pic!! So chic and sexy!

Nora, I'm getting ready for that road trip! Just a quick stop to get Elegant (anyone else coming along?) and we'll be on our way.......