Originally Posted by Camnagem
If any of you have been through something similar, how did you deal with it? When he's not home I'm a total crying mess.
Aww, I relate more than I care to even talk about. Last winter we both got the H1N1, dh became terribly sick - we went to the emergency stat care - he had a Blood Pressure reading of 149! Turns out, we found out at that point he had high BP - and of course, they give you the very very scary details of it. I sat there just in shock, numb, I cried there, I cried for days, I still cry - can't sleep, have separation anxiety - BAD. I felt like our lives as we knew it was changed. Fortunately for us, we both work out of our home & are together 24/7 (which we LOVE). We are 2 peas in a pod.
Almost a year later now, he has managed to handle it. But men can be so damn difficult! I have done away with almost all salt & sugar, & try to cook really healthy meals - but he doesn't always cooperate & he hates to go to the doctor
Plus, I have to make sure that everything is calm which isn't easy for me or on me. His BP is finally stabilized, but he gets shakey, headaches etc. sometimes, & I PANIC. I mentally have a heard time leaving him for any period of time because I worry so much. I know the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, the worry - I understand every feeling you have right now - this is my very best friend of 31 years. He is only 55.
I try to make him laugh as much as I can, get him out to walk (he hates exercise) watch everything he eats (I nag) & I speak positive things to him all the time. And I pray a lot! Its helped.
Its just one of the reasons that I am so strong on exercise, good eating & doing without salt & sugar for the most part.
Sorry for the length , but I completely empathize with you! Hugs, love & comfort to you my dear
& sometimes all of us come here because of relating to each other in a comforting way! There are days that you personally make me laugh - just when I need it most