General makeup post got me thinking... what's in your purse?


Well-known member
I like this thread haha.

My purses are rather small these days. Here's what's in a workday bag (minimal because I have lotions, pills and kleenex at work already):

keys (with small swiss army knife attached)
Mini Ipod
Mini Ipod charger (normally not in my purse)
pass to work
two Maxi pad
Make Up bag: two l/s, compact, l/l, e/l, lip brush, l/g, mascara, eye lash curler, lip balm.
dog fur (my dog's fur is on or in everything I own)
I'm also missing my pen....


Well-known member
My new purse I bought at Forever 21

and as for what's in it.....

Hello Kitty wallet
Epi pen (and injection of epinephrean, I'm allergic to bees)
Purple croc imbosed makeup bag containing...
-Origins Spot Remover
-Nail file
-Mini dental floss
-MAC Spice lip liner
-MAC Studio Stick concealer
-Mini MAC Dewy Jube Lip Gelee
-B&BW American Girl Talk to Me chapstick in vanilla
Ipod in Hello Kitty case
Hello Kitty note pad
Classic Hardware tampon case
Travel size lubriderm lotion
Hello Kitty pill box


Well-known member
i already responded to this. but I got a new purse a few months ago! and inside this beauty is sunglasses.ipod.. burts bees chapstick,wallet with no money,thats it.



Well-known member
My purse is about the size of your average tote bag (but cuter) and doubles as my book bag for school. I've got:

-Car key and house key
- Wallet containing: Driver's License, school ID, debit card, amex gift card, bath&body works gift card, Ulta Rewards card, American Red Cross Certification cards (Lifeguarding/First Aid, Oxygen Administration, CPR/AED), YMCA membership card (that I don't use because a- I work there and b- I rarely work out to begin with), rarely ever have cash
- bottled water
- sheet music for choir
- 2 five subject notebooks: one the is filled with papers and doesn't have an blank sheets left, and another that is nearly untouched
- mascara
- lipgloss - one cheap drugstore gloss and more often than not, Love Nector lustreglass
- chapstick
- ridiculous amounts of nickels and dimes
- cellphone
- pocket knife
- lighter
- small Px bottle with random over the counter drugs (Advil, Tylenol, aspirin, allergy pills, etc.)
- tons of black ball point pens
- mechanical pencils
- four miniature highlighters (those cute sharpie ones you can put on keyrings)
- one or two Sharpies
- Body Shop moisturizer
- miniature lotion bottle from bath&body works
- sunglasses
- tampons
- a book or two (at the moment, it's Ethan Frome)
- random candy wrappers, receipts, bits of paper etc.

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