Genuine 2.4g Beaux lustreglass????!!


Well-known member
Please help someone!

I just bought a few things from an Ebay seller in Canada. Including a Beaux lustreglass. I did notice this particular item when I bought it didn't have a pic but as the sellers other Mac items seemed fine (the other ones I recieved look genuine),I thought it would be ok.

Now im suspicious the reason why this seller didnt put a pic of the lustreglass is because it isn't genuine. I already have a Beaux lus/g which I bought from MAC in 2005 and they are nothing alike.

Here are the differences:
Size: 4.8g (MAC) 2.4g (Ebay)
Container: approx 1.25cm diameter (MAC) Approx 1cm diameter, much thinner (Ebay)
Font: (Ebay) letters of 'Lustreglass' are more spaced out
Colour: (Ebay) noticably darker brown
Name/batch sticker: (EBay) does not have one at the bottom whereas all my other Mac glosses do. Only has 'A37' printed on the bottom)
Other: (Ebay) Product info printed on the tube (e.g name, weight, made in Italy etc..) Whereas none of my other MAC glosses have this info on them.


Well-known member
Is it a mini gloss from a set? I'm wondering becasue it sounds an awful lot like it was a gloss split from a set - which ebay sellers often do. COuld you give us the name of the seller please?


Well-known member
That's what I was thinking, maybe it was part of a mini set but I dont remember there being one this year as the cose was A37. I'll email you the sellers name because i dont want to slate their name if it is indeed genuine!
Thanks for your help!


Well-known member
I had a look at the sellers other listings, some of them are dubious, others are clearly authentic. The other thing I noticed is that this seller is based in HK, not Canada. Some of the listings say Canada but the other 90%+ listings state HK and I would be fairly careful of buying from HK based sellers.
Other than that without a pic I cant tell for sure - I dont recall a mini set being released that time this year either???


Well-known member
She's now saying that it is genuine and if it wasnt Ebay would've picked up on it. She's informed me it was from a warhoues in CAnada??? I dont know what to say to her!


Well-known member
MAC doesnt sell direct from warehouse so i dont know what thats about?!
Ebay has better things to do then search every listing put up to check authenticity of items. They rely on buyers/sellers to tell them about fraudulant aucitons.