Gettin' Fatty in Shape!


Well-known member
Don't get so down on yourself for missing workouts...just start all over again! Easier said than done, but better than doing nothing at all!

Don't worry about what the scale says...go by how your clothes fit. I haven't weighed myself in about 3 years (seriously), so I really have no idea how much I weigh. I just measure by my clothes (which, depending on who makes them, can range from a size 8 to a 12)...I have always been a sports nut, and I carry a lot of muscle on my 5'2 frame. I weigh a lot more than it appears, because of the muscle, but I love it when my quads (the muscles in front of your thighs) stick out!

Your grandpa is Wattage said, better your butt than your belly! Then again, there's nothing wrong with having some booty! Everything fits better!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
Don't worry about what the scale says...go by how your clothes fit. I haven't weighed myself in about 3 years (seriously), so I really have no idea how much I weigh.

I could not agree more. You all know what a fitness nut I am and guess what: I have NEVER owned a scale.

It's completely a matter of personal preference, but weight is such a skewed measure of fitness and progress. Definitely let the clothes do the talking for you

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I finally was able to get my butt back to the gym last night. My work schedule is on track for this month so I can go back to my M-W-F workouts. I've been really stressed due to traveling and working two jobs and most recently (last week) getting a puppy. So I have alot on my plate right now and I think it's streched me to thin. But I'm feeling better as things get more organized. So last night I did a light workout, only 15 minutes cardio and bicepts, tricepts and situps. I feel good. It felt good to get back in the gym and look forward to getting back on track!!

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
It's been some time since I posted in this thread so I thought I'd update for all interested:

It's been some time since I've worked out, like 2 weeks. I've been super busy with working 60+ hours a week that on my free time i can't even think about the gym! But I have still been eating good and I think the fact that I got a puppy and I take her for multiple walks a day has helped at least maintain my weight! It's been about once a week i get to the gym, sometimes twice but I look forward to getting back on schedule. I'm still at 135lb. which is better then the 140something I started at!!

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
It's been quite some time since I've posted here...but I went to the Dr. today and I weighed in at 128!!
So I'm pretty stoked about that!!