Getting hired at Clinique - how much $$$


New member
I am pretty close to being hired at a Clinique counter at Macys. I have know idea how to negotiate my salary! The girl I'm replacing was being paid $13 per/hour and she didn't have retail experience, let alone cosmetic experience. I have been working at Macys in cosmetics as an on-call for a total of 7 months, and I know a good amount about Clinique products, AND I know how to do make-up. The problem is that girl was hired by a different manager. The manager I will be negotiating with is very frugal on behalf of the company. The other women who have been there for years are all earning less than $12 per hour.

How much should I ask for? I'd like $13 at the extreme least. What rate sounds "unreasonable" to start at? I am sick and tired of the on-all pay. it is CRAP and commission isn't that great.


Active member
How are your sales when you are on-call? If they meet or exceed sales goals, then you have a little room to negotiate....and I would bring that up. Are you opening credit accounts? I think with Macy's they are more concerned with that then they are with how well you do makeup. If you are doing both of those things, you definitely have some leverage and every right to negotiate and bring up salary. Good luck!


New member
I came across this thread looking for ways to negotiate pay with Macy's working for the Clinique counter. I have been offered the position at the counter, and we still need to discuss pay and start date. Just wondering if you were able to get the pay you wanted, or if you at least got more than what they offered.