Global warming on Mars.


Well-known member
I'm a vegetarian. I recycle almost everything. I release insects if I can, and only kill the insects I am highly allergic to. I get organic food, when it's available. I have lectured my friends when they littered...

But honestly, I don't do those things because of "Global Warming." I do those things because...

1. I love animals
2. I think litter is discusting
3. I have a sensitive stomach
4. I have a recycle bin, might as well use it

It's funny... Many people find out that I'm vegetarian, and automatically assume I am an extreme liberal democrat.
Not at all.
But anyway...

I think global warming is part of the natural cycle earth has been going through since its existance. Some animals go extinct, some animals adadpt. [Look at the iguanas of the Galápagos Islands! They have evolved rapidly!] It's sad to see polar bears go, but there are thousands of animal species discovered annually.

Again, it is sad that mother nature is eliminating polar bears, but what is sadder to me is people eliminating animals. There are many poachers that kill pandas, tigers, etc for others to 'collect' and keep.
Sure, those animals might have been almost extinct anyway, but these people had a really large hand in speeding up that clock.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jacq-i
I'm a vegetarian. I recycle almost everything. I release insects if I can, and only kill the insects I am highly allergic to. I get organic food, when it's available. I have lectured my friends when they littered...

But honestly, I don't do those things because of "Global Warming." I do those things because...

1. I love animals
2. I think litter is discusting
3. I have a sensitive stomach
4. I have a recycle bin, might as well use it

It's funny... Many people find out that I'm vegetarian, and automatically assume I am an extreme liberal democrat.
Not at all.
But anyway...

I think global warming is part of the natural cycle earth has been going through since its existance. Some animals go extinct, some animals adadpt. [Look at the iguanas of the Galápagos Islands! They have evolved rapidly!] It's sad to see polar bears go, but there are thousands of animal species discovered annually.

Again, it is sad that mother nature is eliminating polar bears, but what is sadder to me is people eliminating animals. There are many poachers that kill pandas, tigers, etc for others to 'collect' and keep.
Sure, those animals might have been almost extinct anyway, but these people had a really large hand in speeding up that clock.

Good for you! I too recycle and I hardly eat meat. I agree, it's soooo sad that people kill animals for 'fun.' On a side note, I've rescued about 4 stray dogs in the last 6 months, much to my parents dismay. I just have to help an animal when I see it is in danger. They are so helpless adn people are cruel.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
C'mon it's obvious global warming on Mars is caused by the martians...

haha .. those Martians and there huge sport utility spaceships.


Well-known member
Actually there are several contributors to the ongoing climate change. A) It IS a natural cycle which research has proven B) Human interaction with the enviornment overusing fossil fuels, contaminating the enviornment, etc.. and C) The sun has cycles as well that contribute. Subsequently climate change is inevitable.

All of that aside it is my opinion that we really need to put a lot more resources into 'green' energy and enviornmentally friendly products because it's the right thing to do. Imagine (those of you that actually have a mortgage and pay electric bills) how nice it would be to have a completely 'off the grid' system that provided all of your energy needs? That in itself is enough to keep my interest up.

At the risk of starting another holy war in this thread think of what life would be like if we didn't depend on the middle east so much for oil?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Trunkmonkey

At the risk of starting another holy war in this thread think of what life would be like if we didn't depend on the middle east so much for oil?

Lol! I like how you think! I think if we quit depending on the Middle East for oil we could quit supporting countries who earmark large percents of their profit for the cause of destroying us evil Americans. 90% of money in Iraq comes from the US. And none of that is going to support the Taliban or Al Queda? Please, they must think we're stupid. I was listening to NPR yesturday and they were talking about how Venezuale (spelling?) has government supported terrorist groups (on the low of course) and how we are still doing business with them! We are looking at the start of WWIII here. Yesturday something like 20 members of Al Queda were found with WMDs, enough to kill entire football fields of Americans. But we're not hearing that on the news are we??? Sorry, I get really heated about this. Something to think about- Britain outsed Winston Churchill because he wanted to take a stand against Germany prior to WWII, after Germany attacked, they begged him back and he is now one of the most respected men involved with WWII.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Trunkmonkey
At the risk of starting another holy war in this thread think of what life would be like if we didn't depend on the middle east so much for oil?

It would be the same. Regardless of our use of oil, the rising price of oil in the global market is due to a increasing demand on oil by developing countries.

So essentially, if were not buying it, China will.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Regardless of our use of oil, the rising price of oil in the global market is due to a increasing demand on oil by developing countries.

This is what politicians don't want you to know. They want to solely blame oil prices on the war in Iraq. That is one hundred percent not the case. China and India have recently "come online" and are now major consumers of oil. Prices will never go back down to $30 a barrel because China and India and other countries are industrializing at a rapid rate.