Going to London and need recomendations!


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

I am going to London next week and staying at the Dorchester with a friend. It is a wedding present!

Anywho, for a tourist, what should I wear? And also, how is the weather at this time of the year?

Any fun stores I should check out?



Well-known member
well ive never been to london or anywhere near

but.. the weather is FREEZIN! take lots of comfy, casual, warm clothing. gloves, scarf and maybe a hat! most people live in jeans here [probably like everywhere else lol] but yeh its very cold here right now so bring lots of warm clothing


Well-known member
Actually it's not that cold!! We've had a few nice bright days recently with temperatures in the South up to 15 degrees c/59ish Fahrenheit. A few days recently I've just had a light-ish jacket on and been fine. Mornings are cold but it warms up! Layering is the way to go and then you're prepared for anything, it's still quite changable at the mo.

But yeah jeans are a safe bet, with comfy shoes for the day time. The tube stations are all over the place of course but you'll still do lots of walking I'm sure.

Check out Camden (depending on how much damage the fire has caused), Oxford Street for all the chain stores (it's gotta be done) and of course the giant Topshop which you could spend hours in and Covent Garden has some great shops. Make sure you go to Harrods, Selfridges and Libertys (beautiful), lovely stores to have a browse around and must have stops for tourists! Oh and Carnaby street and the little streets surrounding it, some lovely shops including chain and independent stores.

The Dorchester is lovely by the way, we have our Ball there!



Well-known member
the weathers a bit mixed at the moment quite cold but the sun gets hot but its freezing iykwim.

I'd pack warm gear and don't forget an umbrella.

You have to check out Selfridges on Oxford Street and Harvey Nicks & Harrods in Knightsbridge.

The stores on Oxford Street open around 10am and I would say if you can get there around that time as it gets so busy after lunchtime and the afternoon.

Bond Street is where all the designer stores are.

The MAC pro store in Carnaby Street and there's a Lush store there too if you like that sort of stuff. Liberty is near there too.

Also if you can get to Notting Hill & Portabello road to check out the chic boutiques.

We have a drugsstore chain called Superdrug over it's on Oxford Street (Oxford Circus station) and they have loads of cheap brands such as Barry M stocked there.

I'd say to check out Camden Town / Markets but there was a huge fire there last night so some of it may be closed off.

Foodwise I can't recommend Wagamama's enough (if you like that sort of food) there's 1 next to selfridges and one near Carnaby Street too. wagamama | positive eating + positive living

HTH and that you have a fab time


Well-known member
Jeans, Ugg Boots, Jumper, Hat, Coat, Gloves and an Umbrella!

Shops and things to buy: Boots, Superdrug, Camden Market (any markets), Neals Yard Skincare shop, Newsagents for Cadbury & Galazy Chocolate & Walkers Crisps, Top Shop for clothes.
Eat at the local Chippy and sample good old British Fish n Chips.


Well-known member
Oh I forgot you have to check out Primark (aka Primarni) for cheap fashion looks. It's at the top end of Oxford Street / Marble Arch


Well-known member
Ohhhh when I was there Last sep with my boyfriend we went to the London Dungeons. I was petrified at first (its like a tour thing) :p but its really funny and the actors are reallly good :p -- sorry thats not a store but still worth checkin' out!

As for stores theres a Mac in Covent Garden area :p All the big shops like Selfridges are on Oxford street aswell as a 4 (4? or 5?) story top shop


Well-known member
buy a map its invaluable
you can get touristy ones from hotels but they tend to have on numbers splotched over street names (like locations of offers of their sponsers etc)
last time i went i insisted on walking everywhere which in winter weather perhaps isnt the best idea (bloomsbury to knightsbrige lol)
sometimes it is best to walk but hopping on a bus is easier if u wanna get from A to B

heres the infamous topshop site if u wanna get some ideas

Topshop - Womens Clothing - Womens Fashion - Topshop


Well-known member
You're coming to my fantastic city
. The weathers a bit mental over here at the moment, generally quite sunny but cold. Make sure you bring an umbrella (small enough to pack in your bag and carry around with you!).

Places to check out... well to reiterate what other people have said, oxford street for the chains and an immensely HUGE HMV, camden market, and yes, I suppose superdrugs is a bit of a novelty over here - so check that out as well for cheap things make up and the like! Also check out Borough market in London Bridge just to get blown away by the amount of food in the market (it's fairly awesome) and Covent Garden just because it's so damn pretty (plus one of my fave places around here!)

And OBVIOUSLY, if you feel the need to MAC it out when you're here
check out the HUGE selfridges on bond street which has a mac, or the mac pro store on carnaby street (swear to God, the MA's in there are always SO nice

But have a great time - it's a great city. We're not the nicest people (we do tend to barge people out the way and aren't always willing to give people directions), but we're okay. Just keep your head up and appear to know where you're going and you'll be fine! Have a wicked time!!


Well-known member
england equals tempremental weather... be prepared for it t obe snpwing one minute and blazing sun the next, i love this country but the weather is crazy thats why we love talking about it!!

definately got to mention the MAC artists in carnaby street as others have said, the store and the artists are just AMAZING...

Theres too much to do in London, you will love it

Girl about town

Well-known member
wear comfy but stylish clothes skinny jeans with boots , nice jacket scarves etc
Britain is cold but its warmed up a bit lately.

Check out Topshop at oxford circus its amazing the best selection ever , also primark many a bargain to be had. There is a MAC pro in Soho.
Camden is full of cool shops and markets too.


Well-known member
Yesterday I wore a sweater with a vest/jacket thingie overtop and I was fine. It's been nice and sunny lately but it looks like its gonna drop down to ass-cold again in the middle of the week :|

Definitely check out Oxford St, and if I was you I would go to Primark first haha. If you don't live near a MACPro, I would definitely hit up the one in Carnaby. There's also a Benefit on the same street as MACPro

For sightseeing, you should definitely go on the London Eye! And make sure you have some drinks in a pub


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
Check out this thread for some tips on makeup stores in London!


I really like the Brick Lane / Shoreditch area in London, lots of cool market stands and bars/pubs at night.

theres so many cool kids on brick lane its just amazing!! and theres some fantastic vintage shops not too far away


Well-known member
Everyones covered the major shopping spots but I'd say bring clothes for really cold to not-so called weather and even sunglasses for the recent winter sunshine.


Well-known member
Don’t go to MAC! Well go if you can resist spending money but it's so much more expensive here so I would avoid it.

As for clothes: flat shoes and comfortable pants. Don’t forget a warm jacket, umbrella and sunglasses. The weather can be really unpredictable and fluctuating so it's better to be prepared.

I recommend Camden and Greenwich markets. Those are very unique parts of the city in general too and well worth a visit.


Well-known member
in london, people dress comfy but still a bit dressed up

skinny jeans with boots
spring scarves
it's been quite nice the last few days, but bring an umbrella lol

DEFINITELY do not go to benefit haha, the blushes here cost £22.50 (thats $45 USD)

Keep in mind that most things are quite a bit more expensive in the UK, so stick to buying things you don't get in america

the well-dressed (IMO) people in london tend to dress like celebrities such as kate moss, mischa barton, sienna miller etc. (quite indie), with good accessories.

check out topshop - great london fashion with some really cute unknown designers

there are some cute drugstore brands here that you could try out, have a look at GOSH and Barry M (they have an amazing heatherette dupe lol)
Superdrug carries these brands, there's one on oxford street.

make sure you go to selfridges - not to be missed lol!
checkout harrods too, very expensive things but it's a really nice shop

look down little side roads and stuff, I've found some really great boutiques on little cobbled roads by just exploring

I love London, hope you enjoy yourself


Well-known member
It depends what you want to do. I love to go shopping at oxford street, selfridges, and harrods. Covent Garden and Camden are brilliant markets but my favourite is brick land and spitafields on Sunday. They have awesome vintage clothing stores and lots of art stores. It depends what you are into. On Saturday, you can go to the Notting Hill market for antique furniture and jewelry.

What I love about London and regularly frequent are the museums. I love National Gallery in trafalgar square and the Tate Modern is wicked. There is also the Natural History, Science, and British museum. The Natural History museum and science are both in Kensington, about 10 minutes from Knightsbridge and Harrods. Knightsbridge is really nice, especially if you like the designer shops. Go to sloan street and you can go to Dior to Chloe. Everything is there.

If you like food like I do, you would enjoy borough market in London Bridge, that is on Thursday, Friday and Saturday but I wouldn't go Thursday because they don't have the full market then. I work right by there and get my lunch on Friday from there. They have the most amazing food.

I would just take a walk as well because the architecture is beautiful here and you can just wonder around all day. It is just fab.

You are staying in a lovely place and make sure you have afternoon tea there. It is yummy.