Goldmine screw top shadow RIS-is it fake? Help please. TIA

I received this shadow in a swap on MUA. The letters on the lid are embossed, not just painted (pic 2). The sides also have standout MAC printed on two sides (attempted to show in pic 3). The bottom is where I have the question (pic 1). It says Gold mine & then the number 288. Lightly embossed over Goldmine are the numbers 6501 / 650L/ 6E01? I can't exactly make them out There's also a 3 in the plastic of the bottom. I currently have this up for swap myself but don't want to pass on a fake shadow to someone else.

I've never owned a screw top before. I know they're older shadows, but I've been unable to find pics of the labels that were printed on the bottoms, or what year Goldmine was introduced. So if someone who has one or has seen one could let me know or better yet, post a pic of what it should've looked like, I'd appreciate it.



Well-known member
From what I know, screwtops haven't been faked. Plus Goldmine is a perm e/s and generally, it's the LE ones that are faked. I think you're OK.


Well-known member
All of my old screw tops have numbers like those and generally look the same.

For example, my Digit says 217 underneath, Safari says 585, Greystone says 300, etc.

I think you're ok - my MAC on the sides also stuck out "3D-like".


Well-known member
Agreed with Junkie. That shadow is fine. I have a few older ones that are printed the exact same way.