good eyelash curlers?

i need to buy an eyelash curler, so any good ones out there that you guys can recommend?I am thinking of buying that shu eumera one. is it actually good?It would be really helpful if any of you guys have like a before and after pick of youre eyelashes curled.
thanx a lot


Well-known member
Kevyn Aucoin always wins allures best. And thing about it, he used to do shu's line, so since he wins, it stands to reason, his is better.


I have the Shiseido curler and really like it, plus they sell refill pads for this ( 2 for like $3.00 I think) whereas Shu doesn't have refill pads that I know of (I have heard the Shiseido's fit it though?) Anyway, highly recommend it :p